Defining the label of a type

The label of an enitiy or link is the main text that is displayed. You define a label for an entity or link type using any combination of :the fields of the type, free text, and the special characters (Space, NewLine and Tab).

To define the label of an entity or link type:
  1. Build up the way the label should look in the Structure box:
    • To use a field in the label, locate and select the field in the Fields box on the left of the dialog and click on the right arrow to move it into the Structure box. Alternatively double-click on the field name.
    • To include free text in the label, type the text into the Free text box and click on the right arrow button beside the box to move it into the Structure box.
    • In the same way, select a special character from the Special character drop-down list and click on the right arrow button beside it to move it into the Structure box.
  2. Any items you include appear directly below the selected entry. If more than one entry is selected, a newly included item appears at the bottom of the list.
  3. To reorder the parts of the label, select the part you wish to move and click on the Up or Down buttons.
    Note: Although each part of the label appears on a new line in the Structure box, you must specifically enter the NewLine, Space or Tab special character as part of the structure if you want them to appear in the label.
  4. At any time, you can display a sample of how the label will look by clicking Preview.
  5. To delete any part of a label, select it and click Delete.
  6. When you have finalized the label structure, click OK.