Defining sub types for an entity type

Use the Sub Types Page of the Type Properties dialog to specify conditions for using different icons depending on the content of records.

Click Edit to edit an existing Sub Type.

Click New to create a new Sub Type.

In each case the Sub Type dialog box opens:

  1. Select an Icon.
  2. Type a Name.
  3. Select the required Field.
  4. Select an Operator.
  5. Type a Value.
  6. Click OK.
    Define all of the sub types in a similar manner. The conditions you set on the different sub types should be exclusive. However, the conditions will be tested in the order they appear and the first condition satisfied will be used. To move conditions within the list, select the row and click Up or Down as required.

    Click Delete to delete the selected Sub Type.

    If no conditions are satisfied, the default icon is used.