Semantic vector types
After processing with TextChart, the terms in a document are associated with one or more semantic vectors. An LxBase defines each semantic vector as one of the following: an entity, a no-output entity, a part of speech, pragmatic, or relational.
A term that's associated with an entity semantic vector such as PERSON, ORG, or PLACE is extracted as an entity and included in the output.
No-output entities
A term that's associated with a no-output entity semantic vector is extracted as an entity but is not included in the output.
By changing a semantic vector from "entity" to "no-output entity", you can prevent entities of the affected type from appearing in the output.
Parts of speech
A term that's associated with a part-of-speech semantic vector has been identified as a part of speech, such as a verb or an adjective.
A term that's associated with a pragmatic semantic vector has been identified as belonging to a pragmatic category such as "given name" or "possible identification number".
A term that's associated with a relational semantic vector such as "interviewed" or "identified as" is used as the predicate in a predicate-subject-object (PSO) relationship.