Tracing TextChart rules

In TextChart Studio, you can use the document view to see which rules were responsible for an entity being extracted. Highlight the entity, right-click, and select Show rule match detail.

TextChart Studio displays a window that lists the order in which the TextChart engine executed lexical lookups and rules. From here, double-clicking a rule opens the corresponding rule file in the rule editor.

Match rule detail

The rule trace contains the sequence of processing steps that took place when a string or document was processed. The following list provides a summary of how to interpret the steps:

  • : = Delimiter between rule actions

  • i = Initial tokenization

  • LL = Lexical Lookup

  • C = The token was combined

  • [...] = The contents of the brackets after the C includes the rule trace of the combined tokens

  • MT = Multi-token rule

  • IT = Intra-token rule

  • GR = General rules

  • HC = Hard-coded rule

  • BCE = Back chaining entity detection

  • att = Attribute portion of a rule assigning attribution to a token