Machine discovery

In addition to matching lexical items and patterns, TextChart uses machine discovery to extract other entities and lexical entries based on their linguistic context. Using their known semantic vectors, you can quickly add them to a lexicon as another meaningful semantic vector or entity, as well as unlearn or ignore them.

Machine discovery

After TextChart has processed a corpus, you can view the entities that it found through machine discovery by clicking Perform discovery in the LxBase section of the vertical toolbar.

Click Discovery settings Discovery settings
to select which entities or semantic vectors to learn.

Perform discovery by clicking Start discovery Start discovery

You can choose to learn, unlearn, or ignore items from machine discovery by selecting the corresponding checkbox for each item, or by pressing the L, U, or I keys. You can also press Space to move to the next item without making a selection.

To add your selections to the lexicon, click Commit actions Commit actions

Note: Double-clicking an item in the Value or Norm column opens a window containing the surrounding context for each item. As well as the text, this context also includes the rule trace and the associated semantic vectors for each token.