
The <databases> element defines the database that i2 Analyze uses to store data. The <database> element contains attributes that define information about the database, and the mechanism that is used to connect to it.

For example:
<database database-type="InfoStore" 
dialect="db2" database-name="ISTORE" instance-name="DB2" 
xa="false" host-name="host" id="infostore" 
port-number="50000" />


Attribute Description
database-type The value must be InfoStore in this version of i2 Analyze.
dialect Specifies the type of database engine. This attribute can be set to one of the following values:
  • postgres
  • db2
  • sqlserver
database-name A name that identifies the database to the database engine.
instance-name The instance name that was specified during installation of your database engine.

If you are using SQL Server, you can either specify the port-number or instance-name attribute. For SQL Server on Linux, you must use the port-number attribute.

This attribute is not applicable to PostgreSQL databases.

xa Determines whether distributed transactions are enabled for this database.
host-name The hostname of the server where the database is located.
id A unique identifier that is used to distinguish this database throughout the system. The value must match the id in the <i2-data-source> element.
port-number The port on the database server to send requests to.

If you are using SQL Server, you can either specify the port-number or instance-name attribute.

Remote database attributes

If your database is on a remote server from the i2 Analyze application, you must use the following attributes in the topology.xml file:

Attribute Description
os-type Identifies the operating system of the server where the database is located. This can be one of the following values:
  • WIN
  • UNIX
If you are using Db2, you can also specify AIX.
node-name Identifies the node to create in the Db2 node directory.

The value of the node-name attribute must start with a letter, and have fewer than 8 characters. For more information about naming in Db2, see Naming conventions.

This attribute is not applicable to PostgreSQL or SQL Server databases.

For example, if you are using PostgreSQL:

<database database-type="InfoStore" dialect="postgres"
    database-name="ISTORE" xa="false" id="infostore"
    host-name="remote.hostname" port-number="5432" os-type="WIN" />

For example, if you are using IBM Db2:

<database database-type="InfoStore" dialect="db2" instance-name="DB2"
    database-name="ISTORE" xa="false" id="infostore"
    host-name="remote.hostname" port-number="50000"
    node-name="node1" os-type="WIN" />

For example, if you are using Microsoft SQL Server:

<database database-type="InfoStore" dialect="sqlserver" instance-name="SQLSERVER"
    database-name="ISTORE" xa="false" id="infostore"
    host-name="remote.hostname" os-type="WIN" />