The file

The following properties are in the file:

The installation path of the database management system or the database management system client.

If you are using IBM Db2, for example C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB on Windows, or /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5 on Linux.

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, for example C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/Client SDK/ODBC/170 on Windows, or /opt/mssql-tools on Linux

If you are using PostgreSQL, for example C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/15 on Windows, or /usr/lib/postgresql/15 on Linux (or /usr/pgsql-15 on RHEL)


The root path of the database file storage.

If you are using IBM Db2, for example C: on Windows, or /home/db2inst1 on Linux.

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, for example C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA on Windows, or /var/opt/mssql/data on Linux.

If you are using PostgreSQL, for example C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/15/data on Windows, or /var/lib/postgresql/data on Linux (or /var/lib/pgsql/15/data on RHEL)


The installation path for Open Liberty.

For example, C:/i2/i2analyze/deploy/wlp on Windows, or /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/wlp on Linux

By default, the value is /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/wlp


The installation path for Apache Solr.

For example, C:/i2/i2analyze/deploy/solr on Windows or /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/solr on Linux

By default, the value is /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/solr


The installation path for Apache ZooKeeper.

For example, C:/i2/i2analyze/deploy/zookeeper on Windows or /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/zookeeper on Linux

By default, the value is /opt/i2/i2analyze/deploy/zookeeper

The path to a directory where i2 Analyze can store files. By default, the directory is also used to store the Solr index files.

For example, C:/i2/i2analyze/data on Windows, or /opt/i2/i2analyze/data on Linux

By default, the value is /opt/i2/i2analyze/data


Backup and restore The location where the i2 Analyze configuration backups are created and restored from. This location must exist on the Liberty server where you run the backupConfiguration command.


The location where the Solr index and ZooKeeper configuration backups are created and restored from. This location must be accessible by every Solr node in your deployment.


The location where the database backup are created and restored from. The user that is specified in the file for your database management system must have write permissions to this location.