Adding more data sources
You can extend your system to use different sources of data by adding the i2 Connect gateway, and configuring your deployment to identify the data source and searching to use. You can add the i2 Connect gateway to an existing deployment of i2 Analyze.
Before you begin
You must have a deployment of i2 Analyze. When you add the i2 Connect gateway to your deployment, the configuration for an example connector is included. To use the example connector, you must download and install Node.js to host the example connector. Download Node.js for your operating system from: You can install Node.js with the default settings.
To use a custom connector that is tailored to your deployment, you either need the details of a connector that is provided to you, or to create a connector. For more information about how to create a custom connector, see Connecting to external data sources.
About this task
The i2 Connect gateway enables analysts to search for and retrieve data from external data sources, and then analyze the results on a chart in Analyst's Notebook Premium. To use the i2 Connect gateway, you must obtain or create a custom connector to the external data source that you want to search. The i2 Analyze toolkit contains an example configuration for the deployment, and i2 publishes a package that contains an example connector to
What to do next
This application is configured for access on http://host_name/opal
.Install Analyst's Notebook Premium and connect to your deployment. For more information, see Installing i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium and Connecting i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium to i2 Analyze.