Setting custom icons

You can create a custom icon list if the standard icon lists that are included with iBase do not match your needs. Custom icon lists can include icons that you have created yourself but can also reference icons from the standard icon set.


  1. Create a new icon with any graphics application that allows you to save the file in the correct format. Alternatively, you can copy and edit an existing icon.
  2. Make sure that the image is the correct size (32x32 for a screen icon), has the correct color depth, background color, and so on.
  3. Save the file in the correct icon folder: <My Documents>\i2\i2 Shared\Custom Images\


    <My Documents> is the location of your ‘My Documents’ folder
    Note: If you are creating the image for use as the default icon for a specific entity type, give the image the same name as the entity type. This simplifies future maintenance.
  4. Create the image for the corresponding printer icon.
  5. To add the icons to a new icon list:
    1. Create a new text file using the text editor of your choice.
    2. Add the details for the icon into the icon list that you want to use, in the following format:
      <icon name> <icon file name>
      Where <icon name> is the name you want to display within iBase, and <icon file name> is the exact name of the icon image without the file extension. These should be separated using a tab character. For example:
      Humvee HMMWV
  6. Save your file as a text file (*.txt).
  7. Select Tools > Feature Availability > Options
  8. Select the Advanced tab.
  9. Find the Icon List file option within the Local Machine Settings section, and browse to the desired icon list file.

What to do next

Ensure that all i2 applications are closed and restarted. The new icons are recognized when the applications restart.