Managing Plug-ins

A plug-in is a software component that extends the basic functionality of iBase.

You need to activate plug-ins before they can be used. You might want to deactivate any plug-ins not in use to simplify the user interface, and use less memory. Plug-ins that can be installed on your system include:

Plug-in Description
Alerting Configuration Used in iBase Designer to set up alerting.
Alerting Inbox Used in iBase Designer to set up alerting.
Audit History Viewer In SQL Server databases, you can store the history of the changes that are made to records in the database.
Bulk Coordinate Validator Ensures that coordinate formats are valid when converting coordinates in bulk.
Chart Importer Allows the contents of ANB charts to be imported into an iBase database.
Composite Indexes Allows the creation and management of SQL Server composite indexes from within iBase Designer.
Custom Terminology Builder Provides the ability to customize the text displayed within iBase applications.
Database Subsetting Manages the creation and synchronization of database subsets.
Duplicate Checker Used to identify records that contain similar information.
Excel Interface Used to export data to Microsoft Excel.
Field Attachments Enables attaching of files to individual fields.
Field Security Enables security classification codes to be applied to individual fields.
Full-Text Search A method of searching SQL Server databases. In later versions, the method of searching SQL Server databases is Search 360.
Import and Export Provides data importing and exporting.
Merge Links Allows links of the same type to be merged into a single link.
Schema Update Used in iBase Designer to manage changes to the schema.
Search 360 The search mechanism for Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Valid End Types Utility Used in iBase Designer to set the valid record types to add to the ends of a link type.
Word Search The search mechanism for Microsoft Access databases.
XML Import and Export Used in both iBase and iBase Designer to import and export data as XML.

After making changes, you need to restart iBase or iBase Designer for the changes to take effect.

To manage plug-ins:
  1. In the Plug-in Manager dialog, turn on a checkbox to activate a plug-in or turn off a checkbox to deactivate a plug-in.
  2. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the dialog.
  3. Restart iBase or iBase Designer for the changes to take effect.