Changing the selection criteria

To reduce the scope of information that you are searching within an audit log, you can add selection criteria. This allows data to be manually checked, but also allows reports to be generated about specific date ranges, users or records.


  1. Open the audit log you are interested in.
  2. On the Selection Criteria page, refine the audit entries based on criteria:
    Between these dates A date range to list activity between.
    Note: The date range must be valid, with the From date occurring before the To date.
    Between these times A time period within the date range to list activity. For example, activity that happened after specified office hours, or at lunch time, on days in the date range.
    On these days Select activity that occurs on a particular day of the week in your specified date and time range.
    • <All Days> - any activity
    • Weekdays - any activity that occurs Monday to Friday.
    • Weekends - any activity that occurs Saturday or Sunday.
    • Mondays - Sundays - any activity on the day specified.
    User Activity logged for a specified User account within the date and time range.
    Location The registered geographic area that the activity happened within.
    Network Login The registered machine and logged in user that logged the activity.
    Record ID Activity for a specific database record.
    Extra Detail Searches for information added to the audit log from the field set up in the advanced database settings to add extra auditing information. For more information about extra details, see Adding extra details for auditing
    Detail (contains) Allows you to search for text in the details of audit entries.
    For information on how to refine the log based on types of auditable action, see Changing the types of actions.
  3. Click Refresh to update the audit log view.