Adding extra details for auditing

When records are being audited, you can specify a field that is included in all audit entries. You can use this field to include extra information.

About this task

When the audit level is set high enough to log information about item creation, modification, and deletion, iBase searches for a field on the item with a name that matches the text in the Extra Detail Field for Audit Log field. If the field is available, the value from the field is entered into the 'Extra detail' column in the audit log.

For example, if you set the free-text field to AKA, then create a person who is called Robert, with the AKA field is set to Bob. The audit entry for that item creation has Bob as the Extra Detail value. If you then edit Robert to be called Jonathan and as part of that same edit, change AKA to Jon. The audit entry for the modification has Jon as the Extra Detail value.


To set a field to be used for extra details:
  1. Select File > Database Properties.
  2. On the Advanced page, enter the name of the field to use Extra Detail Field for Audit Log.
  3. Select OK.