The file

The following properties are in the file.


The Information Store schema contains internal configuration information about the Information Store database.

By default, the value is IS_Core


The metadata schema contains objects that relate to the definitions of data structures in the Information Store.

By default, the value is IS_Meta


The data schema contains objects that store all the data that is available for analysis.

By default, the value is IS_Data


The web chart schema contains temporary objects used during manipulation of the web chart.

By default, the value is IS_WC


The visual query schema contains temporary objects used during visual query processing.

By default, the value is IS_Vq


The find path schema contains objects that support find path results.

By default, the value is IS_FP


The staging schema contains temporary objects that support the ingestion process.

By default, the value is IS_Staging


The public schema contains objects that represent a public API for the Information Store. It also contains procedures, tables, and views related to the deletion by rule feature.

By default, the value is IS_Public


The deletion-by-rule role name.

By default, the value is Deletion_By_Rule


The collation sequence used for the Information Store in SQL Server. You can only change this setting before you create the Information Store database. Defaults to Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC.

By default, the value is Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC


The SQL Server database primary data file contains the startup and configuration information for the Information Store database. The logical name of the primary data file.

By default, the value is IStore_System_Data


The filename or absolute path for the primary data file.

By default, the value is IStore-p1.mdf


The user table filegroup contains all the tables and data for the Information Store database. The logical name of the user table in the user table filegroup.

By default, the value is User_Table_Data


The filename or absolute path for the user table file.

By default, the value is IStore-ut1.ndf


The index filegroup contains the indexes for the Information Store database. The logical name of the index file.

By default, the value is IStore_Indexes


The filename or absolute path for the index file.

By default, the value is IStore-i1.ndf


The LOB filegroup contains the tables that Store LOB data. The logical name of the lob file.

By default, the value is IStore_Lobs


The filename or absolute path for the index file.

By default, the value is IStore-b1.ndf


The memory-optimized filegroup holds one or more containers that contain data files, delta files, or both for memory-optimized tables. The logical name of the memory-optimized file.

By default, the value is IStore_Memory_Optimized


The filename or absolute path for the memory-optimized file.

By default, the value is IStore-mo1.ndf


The transaction log files used for the Information Store. The logical name of the first SQL log.

By default, the value is IStore_Logs_1


The filename or absolute path for the first SQL log file.

By default, the value is IStore-log1.ldf


The logical name of the second SQL log.

By default, the value is IStore_Logs_2


The filename or absolute path for the second SQL log file.

By default, the value is IStore-log2.ldf


The following options are not used for new Information Store deployments, but might be used during upgrade from earlier versions. You must not modify these settings.

By default, the value is IS_Rpt