Resolving item labels

Text that is contained within a chart item's label can often relate to multiple fields within your database. Using the Advanced option on the Change Alignment page you can set up some rules for splitting up the label text.

Depending on the information available in the items label, you might need to:

Select the label fields

Label fields are used to store the extracted label text, they correspond to the iBase item that is selected.

To choose label fields:

  1. Select a field from the list of Available Fields.

    The fields available are multi-line text Standard fields.

  2. Click the right arrow button.

    The field is moved to the Label fields list.

    Note: To remove a label field click the left arrow button.

Select a separator

To determine how the data in the label is divided, you must chose a separator. This character will be used by the extraction to break up the label into fields.

Select the split character that you would like to use to divide the column. By default this uses a space, if you require a specific character, for example " | ", select Other and type the characters and spaces in the adjacent box.

Change the order of label fields

To reorder the fields that you have added, select the field and move it using the navigation controls.

Ignore parts of the label

If there is information contained within the label that does not match an iBase field, you can click Ignore to allow that information to be ignored.