Configuring the extraction

When you extract data, you can determine whether to add a copy of the original data, whether to reference the chart, and whether to create a set of the extracted items.

Before you extract Analyst's Notebook data, you need to define:

  • How you would like to store general information.
  • Whether you would like to add a chart as an iBase entity in addition to the data.
  • Whether you would like to create an extraction set that contains the results of the extraction.

Chart item data

When you extract chart items, you can extract data into standard fields in addition to mapping them to the correct field types.

Data that is held in the following places can be added to multi-line fields:

  • Item data
  • Attributes
  • Data records
  • Cards
Note: Information that is held on cards is stored as a multi-line field.

As a default option these will be added to a single multi-line text field that you can select using the configuration page.

If you would like this information to be separated based on type, use the Advanced options.

Creating a source document

The Create Source Document options allow you to add an Analyst's Notebook chart as an iBase entity and if required link chart entities to the source document using links or hyperlinks. To create a source document:

  1. Turn on the Create Source Document check box.
  2. Select the Source Document Entity Type.
  3. If required, select the Create Source Document Links option. This links created items to the Analyst's Notebook chart they were extracted from.
    1. To link entities to the source document, select a valid Source Document Link Type.
    2. To link chart links to the source document, select a valid Source Document Hyperlink Field.
  4. If required, select Include source records in extraction set to add the source document to the extraction set.
Note: In order to import charts within the application, you need to have an entity type that has a Document Field Type.

Creating an extraction set

As a record of this extraction you can create a new set. This may be useful later to identify the data extracted from this data source and for performing analysis on it. The check boxes will be unavailable if you do not have permission to create sets.

To create an extraction set:

  1. Turn on Create extraction set to create a new set containing the records that are added to the database.
  2. Enter the Extraction Set Name.
    Note: You must enable the Create source document and the Include source records in extraction set to include source records in an import set.