Managing alignment results

When Analyst's Notebook chart items are extracted into iBase, they are scanned for information that can be aligned to entity types and link types. If the automatic alignment for an entity or link type is incorrect, you can modify or remove it.

Types of Alignment

Type Method Description Example
Name Automatic The property name matches an item type or field name. A person attribute of surname matches exactly a field called family name.
Semantic Automatic The property semantic type matches an entity, link, or field semantic type. A chart item 'Villain' being of semantic type 'Person' would match to an iBase entity type 'Criminals' also having 'Person' as the assigned semantic type.
System Automatic The system looks for specific property types and assigns certain field types automatically. A Person entity that is set to use a female icon when the gender field is set to female.
User Manual These are manually assigned as part of the extraction process. An Officer entity using a specific icon being matched to a Person entity type.
Note: A combination of types may be used to determine an alignment, in which case all that apply will be listed (for example Name and Semantic).

To view the current alignment for an item, ensure it is selected within the Alignment Results, any chart item properties that have been aligned will be displayed.

Note: You can select multiple items within the alignment results. This allows item type alignment to be changed, but will not display the individual alignment details.

You can sort by clicking on the Alignment Type column header to group alignment types.