Editing iBase combinations

iBase combinations can be used to group charting schemes, charting styles, labeling schemes, and connection multiplicity options in reusable combinations. These combinations can then be used when items are sent to a chart surface

Before you begin

Before you can specify an iBase option combination, the charting schemes and labeling schemes to select must be available:


  1. To access the Data Sources pane, click the Home tab, and then in the Data Sources group, select Connect > Datasources Pane.
  2. On the New page of the Data Sources Task Pane, select a combination from the Association & Timeline Options list and click Edit.
  3. Provide a Preset Name for the option combination.
  4. Select the charting scheme.
  5. From the Charting Style list, select a charting style:
    • Association - all entities are represented as icons.
    • Timeline - all entities with date and time settings in the charting scheme are represented as event frames and other entities are represented as theme lines.
    • Custom Representation - you can choose how each entity type is represented.
    To specify how entity types are represented in a custom representation:
    1. Click Custom Representation.
    2. Select an entity type in the Type column, and in the Representation column, select a representation from the list. This can be Icon, Theme Line or Event Frame.
    3. Click OK.
    Note: For timeline charts, if your data includes simultaneous items, you can turn on Use Milliseconds to Separate Simultaneous Events. See Separating simultaneous items.
  6. Set the Entity and Link labeling schemes.
    Labeling schemes determine how the label that identifies and represents an entity or link is derived from the fields in the record. For example, person records may have a label comprising the Last Name field together with the First Name field. There will be one definition for the label to be used with iBase records, and one to be used when a record is converted to a chart item. For more information see Labeling and Charting Schemes.
  7. Set the Connection Multiplicity:
    Single The connection between two entities is shown as a single link. This single link represents an association between two entities, which may in reality comprise many different instances of that association.
    Directed The connection between two entities is represented by one link for each possible direction. A directed connection has therefore a maximum of four links. Each of those links may represent several instances of the association, all in that same direction.
    Multiple Each link between two entities is displayed individually.
    Note: If you subsequently add a link to a connection which has a connection style of Single, the style is automatically promoted. For example the connection style of the link will be updated from Single to Directed. For further information about adding a link to a connection, see the Online Help for Analyst's Notebook.
  8. If you set the Connection Multiplicity to directed or single you can make the label be the count or sum of the labels of all the link records in the connection.
    From database The label for the chart link is the chart label as specified in the default labeling scheme.
    Type name The label for the chart link is the source iBase record link type.
    Occurrences The label for the chart link is the number of iBase links that it represents.

    This is only relevant when Multiple Link Style is set to Single or Directed, when a chart link might represent several iBase links.

    Sum Numeric If the iBase label for a link has a numerical component, then the values of this component, for all the iBase links represented by the chart link, are summed. The resulting number is used as the chart link label. The direction of links is taken into account; values are added if the links are in the same direction, or subtracted if they are in opposite directions.

    For example, Financial Transaction links might have an iBase label containing the value of the transaction, and there may be two links of this type between two bank account entities, one of $2000 and one of $1000. On the chart both of these links might be represented by one link, which will have a label of either $3000 (if both links are in the same direction), or $1000 if the links are in opposite directions.

    This option becomes relevant when Multiple Link Style is set to Single or Directed, when a chart link might represent several iBase links.