Creating Charting schemes

A charting scheme controls how the properties of items that are added to Analyst's Notebook charts that use iBase records are updated. Each charting scheme defines the chart item property mapping, the chart template, the labeling scheme, and whether to display attributes and pictures on the chart.

About this task

Charting schemes define the mapping that is used to convert property values on iBase records into a format that can be used within Analyst's Notebook. These property mappings can either be for any entity or link type in the database, or specific chart item properties for each entity or link type in the database. For example, you might want to display attributes and pictures on the chart for only a few of the entity types in the database.

In Analyst's Notebook, you can select which charting scheme is active at any time. You can also override the labeling scheme that is specified in the active charting scheme by selecting a different labeling scheme from Analyst's Notebook.


To create a charting scheme:
  1. In iBase User, select Format > Charting Schemes > New.
    A blank charting scheme is generated that lists the available system wise defaults.
  2. Add the charting scheme properties:
    Labeling Scheme The labeling scheme that defines how labels are displayed on an Analyst's Notebook chart. If you do not select a scheme, the iBase default is used.
    Chart Template The chart template on which to base new charts when charting from iBase, expanding to a new chart or when you use the Timeline Assistant. You can choose from templates that are stored in the same folder as the database file. The template filename must be prefixed with the idb filename, for example if the database file is User Guide.idb, the template filename must start with User Guide. If you do not specify a chart template, the Analyst's Notebook default template is used.
    Restore Layout Settings Whether any layout settings that are written to the chart are restored when iBase items are added to a chart.
    Chart Attributes Whether to create chart attributes for any of the entities or links that are sent to the chart (the database design defines which fields, if any, can be sent as chart attributes). If set to Blank, the Tools > Options setting is used as the default.
    Chart Pictures Whether any entities that are sent to the chart are represented as pictures or icons. If set to Blank, the Tools > Options setting is used as the default.
    Data Records A data record displays the associated iBase record for the chart item as part of the chart item properties, including the semantic type.
  3. Optional: For the other system-wide default mappings specify the default behavior:
    • Field - the value is taken from a specified field value.
    • Value - a value is used.
    • Blank - no value is used.
  4. Optional: For any item type-specific default mappings:
    1. Select the item type, and click Add.
    2. Select the property type and assign the default behavior:
    • Field - the value is taken from a specified field value.
    • Value - a value is used.
    • Blank - no value is used.
    Note: Any values added to a specific item type will be used instead of any system default for the same property.
  5. Optional: For a specified item type, you can also select from the following to override the default setting:
    • Chart Attributes to choose whether chart attributes are created from iBase fields.
    • Chart Pictures to choose whether to use pictures instead of entity icons.
    • Data Records to choose whether to create a data record.
  6. Press Save, when prompted enter a name and category for the charting scheme, and specify the access level.