Creating filtered pick lists

A filtered pick list allows you to set the values in the child pick list based on the selection in the parent list. You can create filtered pick lists manually, or import formatted lists.

About this task

Filtered pick lists can either be created manually or imported from a text file. See Importing pick lists.


  1. Create the list that will become the parent list.
  2. Create the list that will be the child list:
    1. Right-click on the parent list, and select Create Child.
      A blank Pick List dialog is displayed with the parent list already assigned.
    2. Enter the name and each child item.
  3. Assign the child pick list to its parent list. See Assigning values to a parent pick list.
  4. Open the child pick list and assign each group of values to an item in the parent list. You can at this stage add and remove items.
  5. Assign both pick lists to the required fields. You need to decide whether the pick lists are Suggested From Code Lists (which allow values other than those in the list to be entered) or Selected From Code Lists (in which only the values in the list are valid for selection).
  6. Make sure that the fields are arranged in the entity type, link type or datasheet so that the field using the parent pick list is directly above the field using the child list.

What to do next

Once you have set up your parent-child pick lists, you should test them in iBase.

To do this, close the database in iBase Designer and open the same database in iBase. Select the entity type or link type to which you have added the parent and child pick lists and create a new record.