Additional information about converting an SCC database to a case-controlled database

A database that is set up to use SCC control can be converted to be case controlled. A case-controlled database cannot be set to use SCC control.

When you convert a database with SCC control to case control, be aware:
  • All the records in the database are added initially to a single case. You cannot convert security classification codes into different cases based on the SCC value. To move some records into another case, you need to export those records and then re-import them into a new case.
  • All previous security that was set up for particular entity types or link types, based on the SCC code, is removed. Users can either see all the records in a case (if they are given access to that case), or none of the records (if they are not given access).
  • Any SCC field is converted automatically to a case field. See Field Types.
  • You cannot revert to the previous SCC security settings in the database after you have specified case control.
Note: You may want to backup your database before performing this action.