Activating case control in an existing database

You can create cases in any non-replicated database. In addition to enabling the case control option, you also need to update existing features such as alert definitions to take account of new cases.


To activate case control on an existing database:
  1. Select File > Database Properties.
  2. In the Database Properties dialog, click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the Case Control option.
    Note: Case control options are only available if database replication is not installed.
  4. Click OK. You will be prompted if you want to go ahead with the conversion to a case controlled database.
  5. Click Yes to proceed. You will now be prompted for the name of a default case. A case-controlled database requires at least one case to be created.
  6. Enter the name for the case and click OK.
  7. If alerting is in use, and before closing the database, assign all users who have created alert definitions to the case you have just created.
    Note: Alert definitions without owners will be deleted when you close the database