The PLACE entity type represents places with names. This entity type does not include generic, nominal references to places, such as "the river" or "the big city", but it does include generic references to specific places, as in "the Iraqi capital".

The PLACE entity type also does not include FACILITY, which is a separate entity. Place names adjacent to each other are considered two separate places, except in cases where the two place names adjacent to each other represent a single place, as in "City, Province" or "City, Country".


  • norm

  • gaz_id

  • dsg

  • dsgrank

  • dsgfeature

  • pc

  • country (ISO 3166-1 country digraph)

  • state_county_level

  • province (ISO 3166-2 province digraph)

  • admin_region (string that corresponds to US counties or foreign equivalent)

  • lat (latitude in decimal degrees)

  • lon (longitude in decimal degrees)

  • elevation_m (elevation above sea level in meters)

  • source (string of the source)

  • region

  • ufi

  • coordinate

  • subtype

    • terrain

    • hydro

    • manmade

    • island

    • populated

    • military

    • road

    • unknown

  • subregion

    • sasia (south asia)

    • seasa (south east asia)

    • easia (east asia)

    • neuro (north europe)

    • balk (balkans)

    • seuro (south europe)

    • ceuro (central europe)

    • nafr (north africa)

    • safr (south africa)

    • wafr (west africa)

    • cafr (central africa)

    • eafr (east africa)

    • ocean (oceania)

    • samer (south americas)

    • carib (caribbean)

    • camer (central america)

    • namer (north americas)

    • antsb (antarctica)

    • ceura (entral eurasia)

    • russa (russia)

    • cauc (caucasus)

    • meast (middle east)

  • assignee_name

  • cntry_code

  • grid_reference

  • mgrs_coordinate

  • utm_coordinate

  • datum_code

  • ups_coordinate

  • bng_coordinate

  • dms_coordinate

  • decimal_degree

  • easting

  • northing

  • hemisphere

  • utm_zone

  • information_grade

  • keyword

  • keyword_type

  • altitude

  • secured_party_name

  • source_description

  • source_grade

  • monetary_amount

  • abstract_flag

  • abstract_binary

  • demographics

  • affiliation

  • surface_composition

  • target_details

  • [[customer_specific]]