No-output entitiesNo-output entities are entities that i2 TextChart extracts, but whose output it suppresses.ALERT_TYPEThe ALERT_TYPE entity type represents travel alerts and travel warnings from the State Department.ANATOMICAL_TERMThe ANATOMICAL_TERM entity type describes parts of the body.AWARDThe AWARD entity type represents a mark of recognition in honor of an achievement, such as "Grammy", "World Series Champion", or "Magna Cum Laude".BIOMETRICThe BIOMETRIC entity type extracts mentions of biometric data present in text, such as "fingerprints" and "iris scan".CHEMICALThe CHEMICAL entity type represents named chemicals.CITATIONThe CITATION entity type denotes legal citation numbers, such as "Smith v. Doe, 2000 VA. 3, Ariz. 53, 120 Miss 12".CLASSIFICATION_LEVELThe CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL entity type represents a used classification level.CONTRACT_TYPEThe CONTRACT_TYPE entity type represents a type of contracting vehicle, such as "idiq", "firm-fixed price", and so on.CONTROLThe CONTROL entity type represents document controls and classification markings.DNAThe DNA entity type represents DNA sequences, such as "forward (position 552-570) 5′-CCAAACCCCAAAGACACCC-3′".FINANCIAL_INDEXThe FINANCIAL_INDEX entity type represents financial market indices such as "Nasdaq" or "S&P 500".FUNDSThe FUNDS entity type denotes a named or general reference to a monetary fund, grant, or tax.GENEThe GENE entity type indicates the genetic code that corresponds to a gene, such as "LYRM4" and "FARS2".GENERICThe GENERIC entity type serves to extract non-specific entities such as "suspect".INFRASTRUCTUREThe INFRASTRUCTURE entity type represents fundamental facilities that serve a geographic area.MEDICAL_PROCEDUREThe MEDICAL_PROCEDURE entity type represents medical procedures such as "biopsy" or "angiography".MISCThe MISC entity type allows for the display and handling of miscellaneous items as if they are entities. Users can use this entity type in the same manner.NON_SALIENT_WEB_CONTENTThe NON_SALIENT_WEB_CONTENT entity type represents terms that are frequently found on a website but have no bearing on its content, such as "downloads", "connect on...", and "cookie policy".POLITICAL_AFFILIATIONThe POLITICAL_AFFILIATION entity type represents the political affiliation of an entity, such as "R-AK" or "republican".PROFESSIONThe PROFESSION entity type indicates the title and profession of an entity, such as "cashier" or "House Majority Whip".PROGRAMThe PROGRAM entity type indicates organized programs, plans, and projects, such as "Abandoned Land Mine Reclamation Program", "Adult Education State Grant Program", and "Beach Erosion Control Project".QUOTEThe QUOTE type entity indicates and highlights possible quotes of interest by an entity.RATINGThe RATING entity type represents bond rating scores of the kind found in financial documents, such as "BBB-" and "Lowered to A+ from AA-".SALIENT_PHRASEThe SALIENT_PHRASE entity type represents a dynamic entity or phrase that has not been extracted as another entity, but appears in a salient context.SCOREThe SCORE entity type represents the number of points an entity received in a competition, its rating, or its grade.TICKER_SYMBOLThe TICKER_SYMBOL entity type represents ticker symbols used on financial exchanges, such as "AAPL" or "AZO".TRANSITThe TRANSIT entity type represents transportation facilities such as subway stops, airports, and bus stops.TRAUMAThe TRAUMA entity type describes possible lethal injury, such as dismemberment.USER_AGENTThe USER_AGENT entity type represents software user agents such as bots or email readers. The entity is extracted when preceded by an indicator such as "user agent:" and contained within quotes.Parent topic: LxBase