
In i2 TextChart, relationships are binary connections between entities found in a single document. TextChart defines relationships in terms of predicate-subject-object (PSO) statements.

PSO relationships have an order of precedence: PERSON is the most important entity type, and all other types are subordinate to it. All relationships are reciprocal by default.

Each relationship that TextChart extracts has a predicate from a set of predicate types that are valid for that relationship. The valid set for each relationship is drawn from the full list of predicate types.


PersonToPerson relationships are those relationships that connect two persons together. These relationships can be between different people or with the same person who has multiple names.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • disagreed

  • govern_

  • accused

  • complaints

  • inform

  • select

  • alias_of

  • dissent

  • appointed

  • convert

  • acknowledge

  • alleges

  • against

  • follows_

  • cared_for

  • manipulates

  • works_

  • identified_

  • confronted

  • burial

  • negotiated_with

  • employs

  • contact

  • invested_in

  • knows_

  • works_with

  • donate

  • took

  • inquire_

  • like

  • supports_

  • competes_with

  • communicated_

  • discredit

  • mandate

  • penalize_

  • researched

  • seen

  • kidnapped_

  • awarded_

  • assists

  • advise

  • instructs

  • crime

  • win

  • died_from

  • enclose

  • witnessed

  • caused

  • emailed

  • apprehended

  • sponsored

  • attack_

  • interviewed

  • battle

  • meet

  • trusts

  • compensated_

  • visited_

  • died_from

  • united_

  • describe

  • separated_

  • terrified

  • criticize

  • received_information

  • received_legal_assistance

  • reported_to

  • sexual_relations

  • threaten

  • surrendered

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • familial_

    • familial_

    • cousin_of

    • child_parent_of

    • grandchild_grandparent_of

    • greatgrandchild_greatgrandparent_of

    • pibling_of

    • nibling_of

    • sibling_of

    • spouse_of

    • related_by_marriage

    • related_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToOrg relationships are those relationships that connect a person with an organization. These relationships are specific relationships, meaning that this relationship will only be extracted when a predicate type is specified.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • communicated_

  • discredit

  • inform

  • select

  • works_with

  • compensated_

  • attests

  • funded

  • negotiated_with

  • dispatched

  • disagreed

  • against

  • alleges

  • dissent

  • threaten

  • complaints

  • appointed

  • surrendered

  • confronted

  • apprehended

  • witnessed

  • employs

  • contact

  • kidnapped_

  • issued_

  • made_

  • follows_

  • host

  • acknowledge

  • accused

  • owns

  • create

  • takes_control

  • donate

  • consider

  • works_

  • depart

  • knows_

  • cared_for

  • make_improvements

  • inquire_

  • penalize_

  • invested_in

  • failed_

  • announce

  • works_with

  • improve

  • formed

  • launches

  • mandate

  • contribute

  • appears_

  • amplify

  • researched

  • transform

  • assists

  • advise

  • terrified

  • instructs

  • access_to

  • awarded_

  • studies

  • win

  • removed_from

  • monetary_earning

  • enclose

  • visited_

  • works_with

  • sells_

  • supplied

  • emailed

  • manages

  • united_

  • escaped_from

  • endorse

  • meet

  • trusts

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • died_from

  • describe

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • received_information

  • received_legal_assistance

  • reported_to

  • identified_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToFacility relationships are those relationships that connect a person with a facility. These relationships are specific relationships.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • inform

  • select

  • communicated_

  • discredit

  • funded

  • issued_

  • at

  • closed

  • apprehended

  • works_with

  • complaints

  • confronted

  • dissent

  • alleges

  • threaten

  • accused

  • compensated_

  • employs

  • disagreed

  • acknowledge

  • contact

  • cared_for

  • made_

  • terrified

  • owns

  • kidnapped_

  • donate

  • works_

  • depart

  • make_improvements

  • location_of

  • invested_in

  • announce

  • visited_

  • move_to

  • attack_

  • travels_

  • appears_

  • targets

  • researched

  • access_to

  • operates_in

  • enclose

  • removed_from

  • invade

  • sells_

  • manages

  • escaped_from

  • services

  • move_from

  • meet_at

  • damaged

  • demolished

  • describe

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • received_information

  • reported_to

  • abuse

  • death

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToAddress relationships are those relationships that connect a person with a physical address.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • kidnapped_

  • manages

  • location_of

  • services

  • works_

  • terrified

  • move_from

  • operates_in

  • acknowledge

  • meet

  • move_to

  • improve

  • damaged

  • knows_

  • visited_

  • made_

  • demolished

  • access_to

  • owns

  • depart

  • make_improvements

  • removed_from

  • criticize

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToPlace relationships are those relationships that connect a person with a place. These relationships are specific relationships.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • death

  • travels_

  • at

  • accused

  • govern_

  • dissent

  • surrendered

  • dispatched

  • threaten

  • funded

  • apprehended

  • from_

  • alleges

  • escaped_from

  • location_of

  • against

  • appears_

  • disagreed

  • appointed

  • complaints

  • takes_control

  • targets

  • damaged

  • acknowledge

  • researched

  • burial

  • studies

  • terrified

  • knows_

  • operates_in

  • depart

  • kidnapped_

  • monetary_earning

  • seen

  • discover

  • invade

  • birth

  • citizen_of

  • visited_

  • move_from

  • meet

  • move_to

  • demolished

  • attack_

  • battle

  • describe

  • communicated_

  • discredit

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • works_

  • embargo

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • identified_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToWeapon relationship represents relationships that connect a person with a physical or virtual weapon.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • acquires_

  • expert_on

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • surrendered

  • made_

  • attack_

  • authorized

  • researched

  • lost

  • gave_

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • owns

  • has

  • died_from

  • acknowledge

  • witnessed

  • took

  • inquire_

  • sells_

  • seen

  • invested_in

  • died_from

  • uses

  • dispose

  • describe

  • criticize

  • took

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToDrug relationship represents relationships between people and legal or illicit drugs.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • expert_on

  • authorized

  • gave_

  • sends_

  • alleges

  • complaints

  • appears_

  • made_

  • researched

  • branded

  • access_to

  • acknowledge

  • has

  • seen

  • consider

  • sells_

  • died_from

  • affected_by

  • discover

  • took

  • inquire_

  • invested_in

  • provider_of

  • uses

  • dispose

  • describe

  • advertise

  • criticize

  • treating

  • apprehended

  • supplied

  • survived_

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToChemical relationships link persons to chemicals.

Predicate types

  • researched

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • expert_on

  • access_to

  • gave_

  • uses

  • dispose

  • has

  • made_

  • died_from

  • criticize

  • treating

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToConveyance relationship represents relationships between persons and methods of conveyance, including land, air, sea, and space vehicles.

Predicate types

  • took

  • inquire_

  • authorized

  • gave_

  • complaints

  • canceled

  • funded

  • is_evaluating

  • death

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • made_

  • sends_

  • attack_

  • researched

  • branded

  • acknowledge

  • demolished

  • dispatched

  • access_to

  • uses

  • seen

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • consider

  • depart

  • launches

  • make_improvements

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • travels_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToCrime relationship denotes relationships between persons and crimes.

Predicate types

  • witnessed

  • authorized

  • inquire_

  • mandate

  • belongs_to

  • funded

  • penalize_

  • accused

  • conviction_

  • threaten

  • attack_

  • researched

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • charged_with

  • describe

  • affected_by

  • commits

  • seen

  • criticize

  • denied

  • involvement

  • suspected

  • alleges

  • prevented_

  • participated_in

  • survived_

  • plotted_

  • absolved_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToDisease relationship denotes relationships between persons and diseases.

Predicate types

  • researched

  • expert_on

  • separated_

  • appears_

  • gave_

  • afflicted_with

  • has

  • describe

  • acknowledge

  • affected_by

  • communicated_

  • died_from

  • criticize

  • suspected

  • studies

  • isolate

  • originated_

  • variant_of

  • treating

  • survived_

  • immunized_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToProduct relationship denotes relationships between persons and commercial products.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • select

  • authorized

  • funded

  • unveil

  • canceled

  • expert_on

  • complaints

  • contribute

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • researched

  • alleges

  • acknowledge

  • branded

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • has

  • consider

  • sells_

  • took

  • inquire_

  • invested_in

  • guaranteed

  • announce

  • damaged

  • uses

  • dispose

  • describe

  • advertise

  • criticize

  • donate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToMedical_Procedure relationship represents relationships between a person and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • inquire_

  • authorized

  • unveil

  • expert_on

  • perform

  • contribute

  • received

  • researched

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • studies

  • create

  • has

  • acknowledge

  • consider

  • affected_by

  • undergo

  • died_from

  • criticize

  • treating

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToEvent relationship represents relationships between persons and events.

Predicate types

  • implements

  • communicated_

  • inform

  • travels_

  • funded

  • discredit

  • dissent

  • unveil

  • contribute

  • attended

  • appears_

  • complaints

  • works_with

  • researched

  • visited_

  • assists

  • advise

  • employs

  • contact

  • instructs

  • host

  • depart

  • win

  • died_from

  • witnessed

  • inquire_

  • manages

  • sponsored

  • participated_in

  • competes_with

  • attack_

  • describe

  • affected_by

  • launches

  • removed_from

  • criticize

  • initiated

  • involvement

  • compensated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a person with a publication.

Predicate types

  • communicated_

  • inform

  • subject_of

  • contribute

  • accused

  • complaints

  • funded

  • discredit

  • disagreed

  • against

  • alleges

  • signed

  • sponsored

  • mentioned_in

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • acknowledge

  • published_in

  • branded

  • referenced

  • contact

  • instructs

  • author_of

  • has

  • sells_

  • affected_by

  • works_

  • advertise

  • criticize

  • denied

  • submitted

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToEmail relationship represents the relationship between a person and an email address.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • originated_

  • subject_of

  • sells_

  • emailed

  • sends_

  • opened

  • received

  • mentioned_in

  • location_of

  • appears_

  • communicated_

  • identified_by

  • contact

  • author_of

  • access_to

  • uses

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToSocial relationships are those relationships between a person and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • communicated_

  • inform

  • disagreed

  • confronted

  • complaints

  • acknowledge

  • subject_of

  • accused

  • alleges

  • caused

  • manages

  • mentioned_in

  • appears_

  • identified_by

  • referenced

  • contact

  • follows_

  • uses

  • affected_by

  • criticize

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToPhone relationships are those relationships that connect a person to a phone number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • communicated_

  • identified_by

  • originated_

  • contact

  • uses

  • location_of

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToURL relationships are those relationships that connect a person to a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • inform

  • identified_by

  • create

  • owns

  • appears_

  • launches

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToContact_Block relationship represents relationships between a person and a contact block.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • contact

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToGeocoordinate relationship represents relationships between a person and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a person to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • took

  • inquire_

  • belongs_to

  • penalize_

  • made_

  • sends_

  • received

  • gave_

  • guaranteed

  • monetary_earning

  • laundered

  • donate

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • lost

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • funded

  • invested_in

  • has

  • sells_

  • deceive

  • win

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a person and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToMeasure relationship connects a person to a numeric measure and unit.

Predicate types

  • identified_

  • death

  • age_of

  • weight_of

  • height_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToIDNUM relationships are those relationships that connect a person to an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • awarded_

  • identified_by

  • referenced

  • compensated_

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToCitation relationship denotes a relationship between a person and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • referenced

  • author_of

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToDNA relationship represents those relationships that connect a person to a DNA sequence.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • expert_on

  • appears_

  • convert

  • researched

  • isolate

  • transform

  • identified_

  • identified_by

  • compensated_

  • studies

  • ethnic_group

  • afflicted_with

  • has

  • affected_by

  • communicated_

  • died_from

  • is_evaluating

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a person to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • referenced

  • mentioned_in

  • sends_

  • communicated_

  • criticize

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a person and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • death

  • birth

  • conviction_

  • burial

  • meet

  • attack_

  • apprehended

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToProgram relationship represents a connection between a person and a program, plan, or project.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • contribute

  • appears_

  • funded

  • amplify

  • works_with

  • discredit

  • against

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • advise

  • contact

  • instructs

  • access_to

  • donate

  • works_

  • depart

  • removed_from

  • inquire_

  • emailed

  • manages

  • invested_in

  • describe

  • affected_by

  • formed

  • launches

  • complaints

  • criticize

  • denied

  • involvement

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PersonToPunitive_Measure relationships are those relationships that connect a person with a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • witnessed

  • implements

  • amount

  • mandate

  • date_of

  • penalize_

  • against

  • death

  • perform

  • expert_on

  • conviction_

  • received

  • died_from

  • enforce

  • has

  • afflicted_with

  • affected_by

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToNationality relationship represents a connection between a person and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • works_with

  • united_

  • communicated_

  • citizen_of

  • apprehended

  • manipulates

  • disagreed

  • identified_

  • compensated_

  • employs

  • seen

  • against

  • ethnic_group

  • attack_

  • access_to

  • knows_

  • works_

  • creed

  • monetary_earning

  • criticize

  • sexual_relations

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToProfession relationship represents a connection between a person and a profession.

Predicate types

  • inquire_

  • inform

  • select

  • manages

  • contribute

  • works_with

  • disagreed

  • announce

  • trusts

  • advise

  • employs

  • contact

  • against

  • instructs

  • describe

  • consider

  • works_

  • depart

  • communicated_

  • removed_from

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a connection between a person and a political affiliation.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • select

  • complaints

  • subject_of

  • govern_

  • disagreed

  • convert

  • amplify

  • works_with

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • negotiated_with

  • advise

  • contact

  • instructs

  • has

  • works_

  • depart

  • penalize_

  • sponsored

  • participated_in

  • announce

  • supports_

  • formed

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • discredit

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToTransit relationship represents a connection between a person and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • took

  • travels_

  • improve

  • manages

  • access_to

  • location_of

  • attack_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • works_

  • make_improvements

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToGene relationship represents a connection between a person and a gene entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • like

  • expert_on

  • appears_

  • convert

  • targets

  • isolate

  • researched

  • transform

  • identified_

  • identified_by

  • received

  • gave_

  • damaged

  • studies

  • ethnic_group

  • afflicted_with

  • has

  • affected_by

  • communicated_

  • died_from

  • is_evaluating

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToImplement relationship represents a connection between a person and an implement.

Predicate types

  • took

  • funded

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • made_

  • apprehended

  • sends_

  • access_to

  • owns

  • died_from

  • uses

  • invested_in

  • has

  • separated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToNon_Salient_Web_Content relationship represents a connection between a person and non-salient web content.

Predicate types

  • participated_in

  • takes_action

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a person and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • follows_

  • belongs_to

  • expert_on

  • participated_in

  • convert

  • amplify

  • works_with

  • against

  • researched

  • identified_

  • takes_action

  • instructs

  • commits

  • depart

  • creed

  • separated_

  • abuse

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToFile_Name relationship represents a connection between a person and a file name.

Predicate types

  • emailed

  • access_to

  • create

  • mentioned_in

  • sends_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToAward relationship represents a connection between a person and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • belongs_to

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • lost

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToScore relationship represents a connection between a person and a score.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToBiometric relationship represents a connection between a person and a biometric entity.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PersonToGeneric relationship represents a connection between a person and a generic entity.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • emailed

  • alleges

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToOrg relationships are those relationships that connect an organization with another organization.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • select

  • against

  • funded

  • originated_

  • complaints

  • dissent

  • accused

  • alleges

  • disagreed

  • alias_of

  • compensated_

  • discredit

  • acknowledge

  • threaten

  • negotiated_with

  • dispatched

  • takes_action

  • employs

  • contact

  • owns

  • create

  • works_with

  • donate

  • consider

  • depart

  • inquire_

  • penalize_

  • made_

  • invested_in

  • competes_with

  • formed

  • awarded_

  • mandate

  • contribute

  • amplify

  • surrendered

  • assists

  • advise

  • takes_control

  • win

  • monetary_earning

  • sells_

  • supplied

  • manages

  • united_

  • sponsored

  • endorse

  • battle

  • contracted_with

  • meet

  • trusts

  • describe

  • merger

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • received_information

  • received_legal_assistance

  • reported_to

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToFacility relationship connects an organization with a facility.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • belongs_to

  • funded

  • competes_with

  • govern_

  • inform

  • authorized

  • select

  • complaints

  • threaten

  • dissent

  • compensated_

  • disagreed

  • negotiated_with

  • takes_action

  • acknowledge

  • accused

  • contact

  • alleges

  • made_

  • owns

  • has

  • donate

  • depart

  • contracted_with

  • make_improvements

  • invested_in

  • opened

  • announce

  • works_with

  • move_to

  • improve

  • location_of

  • attack_

  • unveil

  • damaged

  • transform

  • operates_in

  • takes_control

  • enclose

  • maintains

  • invade

  • sells_

  • manages

  • move_from

  • services

  • move_from

  • meet

  • demolished

  • closed

  • uses

  • describe

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • merger

  • received_information

  • received_legal_assistance

  • reported_to

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToAddress relationship represents relationships between organizations and physical addresses.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • location_of

  • services

  • damaged

  • move_from

  • operates_in

  • meet

  • acknowledge

  • move_to

  • made_

  • has

  • received_information

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToPlace relationship represents a connection between an organization and a place.

Predicate types

  • invade

  • belongs_to

  • originated_

  • funded

  • travels_

  • dispatched

  • confronted

  • govern_

  • dissent

  • alleges

  • discredit

  • complaints

  • against

  • move_from

  • accused

  • threaten

  • location_of

  • contracted_with

  • mentioned_in

  • disagreed

  • acknowledge

  • attack_

  • invested_in

  • services

  • founded_

  • terrified

  • move_from

  • operates_in

  • battle

  • region_served

  • meet

  • awarded_

  • move_to

  • researched

  • monetary_earning

  • enclose

  • separated_

  • criticize

  • demolished

  • embargo

  • surrendered

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • identified_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToWeapon relationships are those relationships that connect organizations to weapons.

Predicate types

  • took

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • made_

  • funded

  • gave_

  • authorized

  • invested_in

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • compensated_

  • lost

  • takes_action

  • acknowledge

  • owns

  • uses

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • criticize

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToDrug relationship represents a connection between an organization and a legal or illicit drug.

Predicate types

  • took

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • researched

  • funded

  • made_

  • authorized

  • complaints

  • ceased

  • invested_in

  • alleges

  • gave_

  • appears_

  • branded

  • compensated_

  • uses

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • consider

  • acknowledge

  • advertise

  • criticize

  • provider_of

  • apprehended

  • supplied

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToChemical relationship represents a connection between an organization and a chemical.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • uses

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • gave_

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • made_

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToConveyance relationships are those relationships that connect an organization to a method of conveyance.

Predicate types

  • witnessed

  • took

  • funded

  • discover

  • is_evaluating

  • authorized

  • acquires_

  • complaints

  • dispatched

  • ceased

  • sells_

  • canceled

  • made_

  • gave_

  • manages

  • sends_

  • acknowledge

  • appears_

  • branded

  • attack_

  • owns

  • died_from

  • uses

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • consider

  • launches

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToCrime relationship represents relationships between an organization and a criminal offense.

Predicate types

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • charged_with

  • funded

  • authorized

  • commits

  • acknowledge

  • denied

  • involvement

  • suspected

  • alleges

  • prevented_

  • threaten

  • compensated_

  • attack_

  • absolved_

  • plotted_

  • participated_in

  • penalize_

  • involvement

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToDisease relationship represents a connection between an organization and a disease.

Predicate types

  • researched

  • expert_on

  • gave_

  • describe

  • accused

  • communicated_

  • criticize

  • battle

  • targets

  • treating

  • studies

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToProduct relationship represents a connection between an organization and a commercial product.

Predicate types

  • took

  • acquires_

  • canceled

  • authorized

  • select

  • funded

  • alleges

  • complaints

  • sells_

  • made_

  • ceased

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • guaranteed

  • amplify

  • announce

  • researched

  • branded

  • acknowledge

  • uses

  • dispose

  • has

  • describe

  • consider

  • launches

  • advertise

  • criticize

  • donate

  • supplied

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToImplement relationship represents relationships between an organization and an implement.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • supplied

  • made_

  • unveil

  • expert_on

  • apprehended

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • researched

  • provider_of

  • access_to

  • owns

  • studies

  • invested_in

  • has

  • make_improvements

  • funded

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToFinancial_Index relationship represents relationships between an organization and a financial index.

Predicate types

  • ranks

  • tracks

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToTicker_Symbol relationship represents relationships between an organization and a ticker symbol.

Predicate types

  • uses

  • tracks

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToMedical_Procedure relationship represents relationships between an organization and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • uses

  • describe

  • consider

  • is_evaluating

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect an organization to an event.

Predicate types

  • implements

  • authorized

  • inform

  • assists

  • contact

  • host

  • funded

  • attack_

  • describe

  • depart

  • launches

  • works_with

  • announce

  • criticize

  • initiated

  • involvement

  • participated_in

  • compensated_

  • conclude

  • studies

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToPublication relationships represent a connection between an organization and a publication.

Predicate types

  • inform

  • branded

  • contact

  • authorized

  • owns

  • complaints

  • alleges

  • funded

  • mentioned_in

  • disagreed

  • sends_

  • sells_

  • advertise

  • published_in

  • criticize

  • denied

  • submitted

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToEmail relationship represents a relationship between an organization and an email address.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • originated_

  • emailed

  • sends_

  • received

  • mentioned_in

  • opened

  • location_of

  • communicated_

  • contact

  • access_to

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToSocial relationship represents a connection between an organization and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • contact

  • confronted

  • complaints

  • disagreed

  • acknowledge

  • criticize

  • follows_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToPhone relationship represents a connection between an organization and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • communicated_

  • identified_by

  • originated_

  • contact

  • uses

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between an organization and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • inform

  • identified_by

  • create

  • owns

  • launches

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToGeocoordinate relationship represents a connection between an organization and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToMoney relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between an organization and a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • took

  • belongs_to

  • govern_

  • is_evaluating

  • ceased

  • penalize_

  • gave_

  • manages

  • sends_

  • donate

  • received

  • guaranteed

  • awarded_

  • laundered

  • gain_

  • price_

  • loss

  • monetary_earning

  • acquires_

  • value_of

  • funded

  • invested_in

  • compensated_

  • has

  • sells_

  • deceive

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToPercent relationship represents a connection between an organization and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • decrease_to

  • owns

  • guaranteed

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToNationality relationship represents a connection between an organization and a nation.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • works_with

  • united_

  • communicated_

  • manipulates

  • region_served

  • identified_

  • compensated_

  • employs

  • commits

  • kidnapped_

  • access_to

  • works_

  • monetary_earning

  • criticize

  • battle

  • abuse

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToProfession relationship represents a connection between an organization and a profession.

Predicate types

  • select

  • united_

  • contribute

  • appears_

  • works_with

  • announce

  • trusts

  • kidnapped_

  • negotiated_with

  • employs

  • contact

  • consider

  • formed

  • works_

  • depart

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between an organization and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between an organization and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • awarded_

  • identified_by

  • compensated_

  • ein

  • has

  • sic

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToCitation relationship represents relationships between organizations and legal citation numbers.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • referenced

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect an organization to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • referenced

  • mentioned_in

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between an organization name and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • founded_

  • failed_

  • formed

  • linked_to

  • funded

  • [[customer_specific]]


The OrgToProgram relationship represents a connection between an organization and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • manages

  • invested_in

  • acquires_

  • works_with

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • negotiated_with

  • contact

  • describe

  • donate

  • affected_by

  • formed

  • depart

  • launches

  • criticize

  • denied

  • involvement

  • funded

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToPunitive_Measure relationships represent a connection between an organization and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • implements

  • amount

  • mandate

  • penalize_

  • takes_action

  • compensated_

  • enforce

  • has

  • afflicted_with

  • affected_by

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToPolitical_Affiliation relationships represent a connection between an organization and a political party.

Predicate types

  • govern_

  • inform

  • select

  • penalize_

  • sponsored

  • amplify

  • works_with

  • announce

  • assists

  • compensated_

  • negotiated_with

  • contact

  • depart

  • criticize

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToTransit relationships represent a connection between an organization and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • closed

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToDNA relationships represent a connection between an organization and a DNA entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • expert_on

  • invested_in

  • targets

  • manipulates

  • researched

  • isolate

  • transform

  • compensated_

  • create

  • studies

  • uses

  • communicated_

  • monetary_earning

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToGene relationships represent a connection between an organization and a gene entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • made_

  • expert_on

  • invested_in

  • convert

  • targets

  • manipulates

  • isolate

  • researched

  • transform

  • compensated_

  • create

  • studies

  • uses

  • communicated_

  • monetary_earning

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToIdeology relationships represent a connection between an organization and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • owns

  • create

  • afflicted_with

  • conviction_

  • formed

  • creed

  • abuse

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToAward relationships represent a connection between an organization and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • belongs_to

  • awarded_

  • received

  • sends_

  • has

  • win

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToScore relationships represent a connection between an organization and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToRating relationships represent a connection between an organization and a rating.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


OrgToGeneric relationships represent a connection between an organization and a generic entity.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToFacility relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with another facility.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • competes_with

  • merger

  • received_information

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToAddress relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a physical address.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • operates_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToPlace relationship represents a connection between a facility and a place.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • originated_

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • operates_in

  • monetary_earning

  • contracted_with

  • identified_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToWeapon relationships are those relationships that connect facilities to weapons.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • location_of

  • uses

  • appears_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToDrug relationship represents a connection between a facility and a legal or illicit drug.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • supplies

  • location_of

  • uses

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToChemical relationship represents a connection between a facility and a chemical.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • supplies

  • location_of

  • uses

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToConveyance relationships are those relationships that connect a facility to a method of conveyance.

Predicate types

  • supplies

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • canceled

  • appears_

  • made_

  • launches

  • donate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToCrime relationship represents relationships between a named facility and a criminal offense.

Predicate types

  • manages

  • uses

  • location_of

  • denied

  • enforce

  • penalize_

  • threaten

  • witnessed

  • accused

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToDisease relationship represents a connection between a facility and a disease.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • researched

  • caused

  • expert_on

  • gave_

  • describe

  • battle

  • accused

  • originated_

  • communicated_

  • criticize

  • targets

  • treating

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToImplement relationship represents a connection between a facility and an implement.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • unveil

  • create

  • uses

  • sponsored

  • appears_

  • has

  • made_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToProduct relationship represents a connection between a facility and a commercial product.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • supplies

  • canceled

  • location_of

  • uses

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • has

  • made_

  • donate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToMedical_Procedure relationship represents relationships between a facility and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • perform

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a facility to a named event.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • host

  • funded

  • location_of

  • affected_by

  • depart

  • is_evaluating

  • launches

  • works_with

  • announce

  • initiated

  • involvement

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a publication.

Predicate types

  • identified_by

  • mentioned_in

  • sends_

  • published_in

  • submitted

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToEmail relationship represents a relationship between a facility and an email address.

Predicate types

  • originated_

  • emailed

  • mentioned_in

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToSocial relationship represents a connection between a facility and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToPhone relationship represents a connection between a facility and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • communicated_

  • identified_by

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a facility and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToGeocoordinate relationship represents relationships between a facility and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a facility to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • lost

  • compensated_

  • received

  • appears_

  • has

  • gain_

  • donate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a facility and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToNationality relationship represents a relationship between a facility and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • damaged

  • works_

  • operates_in

  • made_

  • attack_

  • has

  • takes_control

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToProfession relationship represents a relationship between a facility and a profession.

Predicate types

  • works_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a facility and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • acquires_

  • move_to

  • demolished

  • made_

  • location_of

  • attack_

  • opened

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a facility and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • height_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a facility and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • awarded_

  • identified_by

  • compensated_

  • ein

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToCitation relationship represents a connection between a facility and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • referenced

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a facility to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • linked_to

  • referenced

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a facility and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The FacilityToProgram relationship represents a connection between a facility and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • manages

  • location_of

  • opened

  • move_from

  • compensated_

  • move_to

  • made_

  • demolished

  • access_to

  • owns

  • operates_in

  • depart

  • make_improvements

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToPunitive_Measure relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • mandate

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToPolitical_Affiliation relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a political party.

Predicate types

  • works_

  • belongs_to

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToTransit relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToDNA relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a DNA entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • location_of

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToGene relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a gene entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • isolate

  • transform

  • made_

  • conclude

  • create

  • convert

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToAward relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • lost

  • awarded_

  • [[customer_specific]]


FacilityToScore relationships are those relationships that connect a facility with a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


AddressToAddress relationships are those relationships that connect a physical address with another physical address.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToPlace relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a place.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • operates_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToGeocoordinate relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToPhone relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToConveyance relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a conveyance.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToMoney relationship represents a connection between a physical address and money.

Predicate types

  • invested_in

  • penalize

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToCrime relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a crime.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • affected_by

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToEvent relationship represents a connection between a physical address and an event.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • initiated

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToPublication relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a publication.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToEmail relationship represents a connection between a physical address and an email address.

Predicate types

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToProgram relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToImplement relationship represents a connection between a physical address and an implement.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • sends_

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • made_

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToNationality relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • operates_in

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a political party.

Predicate types

  • works_

  • belongs_to

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToWeapon relationship represents a connection between a physical address and a weapon.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


AddressToDrug relationships are those relationships that connect an address with a drug.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a physical address and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AddressToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a physical address and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToPlace relationship represents a connection between a place and another place.

Predicate types

  • battle

  • belongs_to

  • confronted

  • govern_

  • location_of

  • has

  • complaints

  • competes_with

  • surrendered

  • alleges

  • disagreed

  • criticize

  • demolished

  • embargo

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToWeapon relationships are those relationships that connect places to weapons.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • funded

  • appears_

  • criticize

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToDrug relationship represents a connection between a place and a legal or illicit drug.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • acquires_

  • sells_

  • ceased

  • funded

  • move_to

  • compensated_

  • location_of

  • uses

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • made_

  • apprehended

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToChemical relationship represents a connection between a place and a chemical.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • location_of

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToConveyance relationships are those relationships that connect a place to a method of conveyance.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • discover

  • ceased

  • move_to

  • funded

  • attack_

  • made_

  • complaints

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToCrime relationship represents relationships between a specific place and a criminal offense.

Predicate types

  • charged_with

  • commits

  • accused

  • denied

  • alleges

  • funded

  • prevented_

  • authorized

  • occurs

  • participated_in

  • involvement

  • involvement

  • location_of

  • penalize_

  • absolved_

  • plotted_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToImplement relationship represents a connection between a place and an implement.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • made_

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToDisease relationship represents a connection between a place and a disease.

Predicate types

  • travels_

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • made_

  • death

  • affected_by

  • isolate

  • variant_of

  • researched

  • damaged

  • expert_on

  • describe

  • accused

  • battle

  • targets

  • treating

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToDNA relationship represents a connection between a place and DNA.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_

  • originated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToGene relationship represents a connection between a place and a gene.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_

  • originated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToProduct relationship represents a connection between a place and a commercial product.

Predicate types

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • lost

  • damaged

  • made_

  • location_of

  • received

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • launches

  • ceased

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a place to an event.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • initiated

  • describe

  • attended

  • funded

  • affected_by

  • targets

  • participated_in

  • compensated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToHashtag relationships represent those relationships that connect a place to a hashtag.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a place with a publication.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • published_in

  • denied

  • funded

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToEmail relationship represents a relationship between a place and an email address.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToScore relationship represents a relationship between a place and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToSocial relationship represents a connection between a place and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToPhone relationship represents a connection between a place and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a place and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToGeocoordinate relationship represents relationships between a place and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a place to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • ceased

  • sends_

  • funded

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a place and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


PlaceToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a place and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a place and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToCitation relationship represents a connection between a place and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToProfession relationship represents a connection between a place and a profession.

Predicate types

  • travels_

  • location_of

  • works_

  • kidnapped_

  • employs

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToNationality relationship represents a connection between a place and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • travels_

  • escaped_from

  • citizen_of

  • battle

  • move_from

  • region_served

  • move_to

  • works_with

  • affected_by

  • kidnapped_

  • works_

  • communicated_

  • employs

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToMedical_procedure relationship represents a connection between a place and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a place and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • region_served

  • govern_

  • operates_in

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a place and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • founded_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToTimespan relationship represents a connection between a place and a timespan.

Predicate types

  • from_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToTicker_Symbol relationship represents a connection between a place and a ticker symbol.

Predicate types

  • operates_in

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToAlert_Type relationship represents a connection between a place and a travel alert or warning issued by the State Department.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToImperative relationship represents a connection between a place and travel instructions from the State Department.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToProgram relationship represents a connection between a place and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • operates_in

  • denied

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a connection between a place and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a connection between a place and a political party.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PlaceToTransit relationship represents a connection between a place and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • services

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PhoneToGeocoordinate relationship represents a connection between a phone number and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The URLToGeocoordinate relationship represents a connection between a URL and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a weapon to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • price_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a weapon and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • sells_

  • gain_

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • weight_of

  • speed

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToConveyance relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and a conveyance.

Predicate types

  • appears_

  • sells_

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToEvent relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and an event.

Predicate types

  • caused

  • sends_

  • appears_

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToIdeology relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • died_from

  • uses

  • supplied

  • dispose

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToNationality relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • supplied

  • dispose

  • died_from

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


WeaponToPunitive_Measure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a weapon and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToGeocoordinate relationship represents a relationship between a weapon and a geospatial coordinate.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • took

  • sells_

  • made_

  • sends_

  • received

  • appears_

  • lost

  • damaged

  • uses

  • removed_from

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToCitation relationship represents a connection between a weapon and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a weapon to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a weapon and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToCrime relationship represents a connection between a weapon and a crime.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToProfession relationship represents a connection between a weapon and a profession.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • sends_

  • invested_in

  • made_

  • researched

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • studies

  • uses

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToProgram relationship represents those relationships that connect a weapon to a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • compensated_

  • invested_in

  • affected_by

  • launches

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a weapon and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToScore relationship represents those relationships that connect a weapon to a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The WeaponToURL relationship represents those relationships that connect a weapon to a URL.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • acquires

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToDrug relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and another drug.

Predicate types

  • variant_of

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToProduct relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a commercial product.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • contribute

  • treating

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToDisease relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a disease.

Predicate types

  • battle

  • assists

  • caused

  • improve

  • alleges

  • affected_by

  • damaged

  • treating

  • attack_

  • targets

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToCrime relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a crime.

Predicate types

  • uses

  • alleges

  • assists

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToGene relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a gene.

Predicate types

  • improve

  • [[customer_specific]]


DrugToConveyance relationships are those relationships that connect a legal or illicit drug to a method of conveyance.

Predicate types

  • dispose

  • discover

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


DrugToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a legal or illicit drug to an event.

Predicate types

  • sends_

  • treating

  • acquires_

  • [[customer_specific]]


DrugToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a legal or illicit drug with a publication.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


DrugToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a legal or illicit drug to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • price_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a legal or illicit drug and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • sells_

  • decrease_to

  • weight_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


DrugToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • amount

  • weight_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToCitation relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a legal or illicit drug to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToProgram relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DrugToURL relationship represents a connection between a legal or illicit drug and a URL.

Predicate types

  • sells

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToConveyance relationships are those relationships that connect a chemical to a method of conveyance.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToProduct relationship represents a connection between chemical and a commercial product.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a chemical to an event.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a chemical with a publication.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a chemical to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • price_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a chemical and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a chemical and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • amount

  • weight_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


ChemicalToURL relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a chemical and a URL.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a chemical and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToCitation relationship represents a connection between a chemical and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a chemical to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ChemicalToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a chemical and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ConveyanceToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a method of conveyance to an event.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ConveyanceToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a method of conveyance with a publication.

Predicate types

  • consider

  • [[customer_specific]]


ConveyanceToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a method of conveyance to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • price_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a method of conveyance and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • sells_

  • gain_

  • [[customer_specific]]


ConveyanceToMeasure relationships are those relationships that denote a connection between a method of conveyance and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToConveyance relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and another conveyance entity.

Predicate types

  • dispatched

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToCrime relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a crime entity.

Predicate types

  • suspected

  • died_from

  • uses

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToCitation relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a method of conveyance to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToTransit relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • owns

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToProfession relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a profession.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToGeocoordinate relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • move_from

  • attack_

  • move_to

  • lost

  • move_from

  • damaged

  • made_

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • attack_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToNationality relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToScore relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ConveyanceToURL relationship represents a connection between a method of conveyance and a URL.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • acquires_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a crime and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToEvent relationship represents a connection between a crime and an event.

Predicate types

  • affected_by

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • location_of

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToProfession relationship represents a connection between a crime and a profession.

Predicate types

  • supports_

  • compensated_

  • uses

  • participated_in

  • affected_by

  • apprehended

  • witnessed

  • authorized

  • conviction_

  • inquire_

  • mandate

  • funded

  • accused

  • threaten

  • attack_

  • assists

  • charged_with

  • commits

  • denied

  • involvement

  • suspected

  • alleges

  • absolved_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToCrime relationship represents a connection between one crime and another.

Predicate types

  • affected_by

  • caused

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a connection between a crime and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • enforce

  • conviction_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToPercent relationship represents a connection between a crime and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • maintains

  • decrease_to

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToMoney relationship represents a connection between a crime and money.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • commits

  • funded

  • penalize_

  • compensated_

  • received

  • made_

  • laundered

  • lost

  • monetary_earning

  • deceive

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a crime and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • commits

  • died_from

  • affected_by

  • laundered

  • involvement

  • suspected

  • participated_in

  • charged_with

  • funded

  • authorized

  • threaten

  • plotted_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToNationality relationship represents a connection between a crime and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • govern_

  • compensated_

  • died_from

  • funded

  • commits

  • has

  • charged_with

  • affected_by

  • laundered

  • denied

  • involvement

  • suspected

  • alleges

  • conviction_

  • participated_in

  • plotted_

  • authorized

  • absolved_

  • threaten

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToIDNUM relationship represents a connection between a crime and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToSocial relationship represents a connection between a crime and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • communicated_

  • acknowledge

  • alleges

  • accused

  • mentioned_in

  • caused

  • referenced

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CrimeToImplement relationship represents a connection between a crime and an implement.

Predicate types

  • uses

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The IDNUMToTimestamp relationship represents relationships between an identification number and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • identified_by

  • issued_

  • expiration_date

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The IDNUMToImplement relationship represents relationships between an identification number and an implement.

Predicate types

  • identified_by

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The IDNUMToProduct relationship represents relationships between an identification number and a product.

Predicate types

  • has

  • identified_by

  • belongs_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MeasureToPercent relationship represents relationships between a measure and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MeasureToTimestamp relationship represents relationships between a measure and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToGene relationship denotes relationships between diseases and gene entities.

Predicate types

  • caused

  • damaged

  • targets

  • attack_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToDNA relationship denotes relationships between diseases and DNA.

Predicate types

  • caused

  • like

  • damaged

  • targets

  • attack_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToDisease relationship denotes relationships between one disease and another.

Predicate types

  • caused

  • variant_of

  • like

  • linked_to

  • originated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToProduct relationship denotes relationships between diseases and commercial products.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToImplement relationship denotes relationships between diseases and an implement.

Predicate types

  • perform

  • uses

  • has

  • affected_by

  • linked_to

  • isolate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToProfession relationship denotes relationships between diseases and a profession.

Predicate types

  • researched

  • works_with

  • studies

  • has

  • linked_to

  • expert_on

  • gave_

  • afflicted_with

  • describe

  • acknowledge

  • affected_by

  • communicated_

  • died_from

  • criticize

  • suspected

  • isolate

  • originated_

  • variant_of

  • treating

  • [[customer_specific]]


DiseaseToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a disease to an event.

Predicate types

  • like

  • formed

  • caused

  • gave_

  • originated_

  • affected_by

  • formed

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


DiseaseToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a disease with a publication.

Predicate types

  • communicated_

  • researched

  • studies

  • subject_of

  • alleges

  • criticize

  • denied

  • referenced

  • appears_

  • acknowledge

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToGeocoordinate relationship represents relationships between a disease and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • travels_

  • formed

  • originated_

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


DiseaseToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a disease to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • price_

  • [[customer_specific]]


DiseaseToMedical_Procedure relationships are those relationships that connect a disease to a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • create

  • uses

  • has

  • death

  • affected_by

  • treating

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a disease and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • has

  • affected_by

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a disease and a measure.

Predicate types

  • weight_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToCitation relationship represents a connection between a disease and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a disease to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The DiseaseToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a disease and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • occurs

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToEvent relationships represent those relationships that connect a commercial product to an event.

Predicate types

  • unveil

  • launches

  • ceased

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToGeocoordinate relationships are those relationships that connect a commercial product with a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • lost

  • damaged

  • made_

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • received

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect a commercial product with a publication.

Predicate types

  • select

  • mentioned_in

  • describe

  • consider

  • published_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToPhone relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a product and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToConveyance relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a product and a conveyance.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a product and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


ProductToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a commercial product to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • monetary_earning

  • penalize_

  • price_

  • made_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a commercial product and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • monetary_earning

  • decrease_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a commercial product and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • weight_of

  • sells_

  • height_of

  • price_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToCitation relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a commercial product to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • referenced

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • ceased

  • launches

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToProduct relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and another product.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToProgram relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • made_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToProfession relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and a profession.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • made_

  • contribute

  • describe

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToAward relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToScore relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProductToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a commercial product and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • acquires_

  • identified_by

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToPublication relationships are those relationships that connect an event with a publication.

Predicate types

  • visited_

  • contact

  • mentioned_in

  • published_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToEvent relationships are those relationships that connect one event with another.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • contact

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToNationality relationships are those relationships that connect an event with a nationality.

Predicate types

  • works_with

  • subject_of

  • compensated_

  • supports_

  • employs

  • access_to

  • participated_in

  • attended

  • works_

  • monetary_earning

  • initiated

  • involvement

  • travels_

  • funded

  • discredit

  • dissent

  • contribute

  • visited_

  • died_from

  • witnessed

  • sponsored

  • attack_

  • criticize

  • initiated

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToEmail relationship represents the relationship between an event and an email address.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • emailed

  • contact

  • mentioned_in

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToSocial relationships are those relationships that connect an event to a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • emailed

  • contact

  • mentioned_in

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToPhone relationships are those relationships that connect an event to a phone number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between an event and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToGeocoordinate relationship represents relationships between an event and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


EventToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect an event to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • amount

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • made_

  • price_

  • sends_

  • received

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToPercent relationship represents a relationship between an event and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between an event and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToCitation relationship represents a connection between an event and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect an event to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • referenced

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between an event and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • targets

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToTimespan relationship represents a connection between an event and a duration of time.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • targets

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToIdeology relationship represents a connection between an event and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • host

  • invested_in

  • sponsored

  • participated_in

  • formed

  • launches

  • works_

  • works_with

  • supports_

  • initiated

  • involvement

  • funded

  • discredit

  • dissent

  • contribute

  • attack_

  • criticize

  • initiated

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToProgram relationship represents a connection between an event and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • contact

  • host

  • depart

  • launches

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a connection between an event and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • affected_by

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a connection between an event and a political party.

Predicate types

  • compensated_

  • contact

  • host

  • sponsored

  • participated_in

  • depart

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToTransit relationship represents a connection between an event and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToAward relationship represents a connection between an event and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EventToProfession relationship represents a connection between an event and a profession.

Predicate types

  • visited_

  • implements

  • works_

  • speaks_at

  • contact

  • attended

  • contribute

  • charged_with

  • depart

  • communicated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToEmail relationship represents the relationship between one email address and another.

Predicate types

  • originated_

  • sends_

  • opened

  • received

  • location_of

  • communicated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToIDNUM relationship represents the relationship between an email address and an identification number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToPhone relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToTimestamp relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • originated_

  • emailed

  • opened

  • received

  • location_of

  • has

  • date_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToGeocoordinate relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • originated_

  • mentioned_in

  • location_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToMoney relationship represents the relationship between an email address and money.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToDrug relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a drug.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • emailed

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToDisease relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a disease.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToCrime relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a crime.

Predicate types

  • emailed

  • mentioned_in

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToWeapon relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a weapon.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • emailed

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToProduct relationship represents the relationship between an email address and a product.

Predicate types

  • emailed

  • linked_to

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The EmailToImplement relationship represents the relationship between an email address and an implement.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • emailed

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToEmail relationship represents the relationship between a publication and an email address.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToSocial relationship represents a connection between a publication and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • communicated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToPublication relationship represents a connection between one publication and another.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • published_in

  • submitted

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToProfession relationship represents a connection between a publication and a profession.

Predicate types

  • inform

  • contact

  • mentioned_in

  • describe

  • consider

  • communicated_

  • submitted

  • [[customer_specific]]


PublicationToPhone relationships are those relationships that connect a publication to a phone number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


PublicationToURL relationships are those relationships that represent a connection between a publication and a website or IP address.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • owns

  • [[customer_specific]]


PublicationToMoney relationships are those relationships that connect a publication to a numeric amount of money.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • price_

  • made_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • received

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a publication and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a publication and a numeric measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • price_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToCitation relationship represents a connection between a publication and a legal citation number.

Predicate types

  • referenced

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a connection between a publication and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • consider

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToHashtag relationship represents those relationships that connect a publication to a social media hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToTimestamp relationship represents a connection between a publication and a date & time expression.

Predicate types

  • issued_

  • published_in

  • date_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToProgram relationship represents a connection between a publication and a program, project, or plan.

Predicate types

  • inform

  • referenced

  • mentioned_in

  • describe

  • published_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a connection between a publication and a political party.

Predicate types

  • inform

  • subject_of

  • mentioned_in

  • published_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToGene relationship represents a connection between a publication and a gene entity.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • researched

  • identified_by

  • conclude

  • studies

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToAward relationship represents a connection between a publication and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • [[customer_specific]]


The PublicationToIdeology relationship represents a connection between a publication and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • author_of

  • studies

  • describe

  • communicated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The RatingToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a financial rating and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • sells_

  • gain_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Financial_IndexToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a financial index or market and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • sells_

  • decrease_to

  • compensated_

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Financial_IndexToTicker_Symbol relationship represents a relationship between a financial index or market and a ticker symbol.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • decrease_to

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Ticker_SymbolToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a ticker symbol and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • loss

  • sells_

  • gain_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • takes_action

  • implements

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToProfession relationship represents a relationship between one profession and another.

Predicate types

  • works_with

  • inform

  • manages

  • convert

  • announce

  • acquires_

  • identified_by

  • trusts

  • negotiated_with

  • advise

  • conviction_

  • contact

  • instructs

  • has

  • consider

  • works_

  • removed_from

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToMoney relationship represents a relationship between a profession and money.

Predicate types

  • penalize_

  • made_

  • sends_

  • received

  • monetary_earning

  • laundered

  • gain_

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • lost

  • value_of

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • invested_in

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToEmail relationship represents a relationship between a profession and an email address.

Predicate types

  • contact

  • inform

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToSocial relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • contact

  • inform

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToPhone relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToURL relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a URL.

Predicate types

  • contact

  • inform

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a measure.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToCitation relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a citation.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToHashtag relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToTimestamp relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToAddress relationship represents a relationship between a profession and an address.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToPolitical_Affiliation relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a political party.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • inform

  • advise

  • contact

  • instructs

  • works_

  • depart

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • works_with

  • unveil

  • perform

  • contribute

  • received

  • researched

  • instructs

  • create

  • studies

  • uses

  • has

  • consider

  • undergo

  • died_from

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a profession and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • researched

  • belongs_to

  • instructs

  • works_

  • depart

  • creed

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToProgram relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a program.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • communicated_

  • advise

  • manages

  • instructs

  • has

  • compensated_

  • works_

  • depart

  • endorse

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProfessionToNationality relationship represents a relationship between a profession and a nationality.

Predicate types

  • works_with

  • belongs_to

  • united_

  • researched

  • identified_by

  • compensated_

  • advise

  • studies

  • has

  • works_

  • formed

  • communicated_

  • monetary_earning

  • [[customer_specific]]


The NationalityToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a nationality and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • follows_

  • compensated_

  • advise

  • ethnic_group

  • formed

  • creed

  • citizen_of

  • abuse

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The NationalityToGene relationship represents a relationship between a nationality and a gene.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_

  • identified_by

  • ethnic_group

  • has

  • afflicted_with

  • affected_by

  • died_from

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The NationalityToDNA relationship represents a relationship between a nationality and DNA.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_

  • identified_by

  • ethnic_group

  • has

  • afflicted_with

  • affected_by

  • died_from

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToEmail relationship represents a relationship between a program and an email address.

Predicate types

  • emailed

  • author_of

  • mentioned_in

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToSocial relationship represents a relationship between a program and a social media identifier.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToPhone relationship represents a relationship between a program and a phone number.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • identified_by

  • uses

  • has

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToURL relationship represents a relationship between a program and a URL.

Predicate types

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a program and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a program and a measure.

Predicate types

  • age_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToHashtag relationship represents a relationship between a program and a hashtag.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToTimestamp relationship represents a relationship between a program and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • founded_

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToMoney relationship represents a relationship between a program and money.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • price_

  • sends_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToAward relationship represents a relationship between a program and an award.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • win

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToScore relationship represents a relationship between a program and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ProgramToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a program and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • compensated_

  • advise

  • create

  • invested_in

  • sponsored

  • launches

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ScoreToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a score and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • decrease_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TimestampToTransit relationship represents a relationship between a timestamp and a transit entity.

Predicate types

  • founded_

  • opened

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TimestampToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a timestamp and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • founded_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TimestampToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a relationship between a timestamp and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • occurs

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TimestampToScore relationship represents a relationship between a timestamp and a score.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TimestampToPunitive_Measure relationship represents a relationship between a timestamp and a punitive measure.

Predicate types

  • date_of

  • conviction_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The HashtagToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a hashtag entity and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • referenced

  • mentioned_in

  • communicated_

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MoneyToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between money and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • made_

  • lost

  • access_to

  • funded

  • has

  • monetary_earning

  • laundered

  • donate

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MoneyToImplement relationship represents a relationship between money and an implement.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • funded

  • loss

  • acquires_

  • penalize_

  • price_

  • value_of

  • sells_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MoneyToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a relationship between money and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • price_

  • funded

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MoneyToFinancial_Index relationship represents a relationship between money and a financial index.

Predicate types

  • price_

  • is_evaluating

  • [[customer_specific]]


The MoneyToPercent relationship represents a relationship between money and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • loss

  • sells_

  • decrease_to

  • compensated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Punitive_MeasureToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a punitive measure and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • mandate

  • conviction_

  • endorse

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Punitive_MeasureToMoney relationship represents a relationship between a punitive measure and money.

Predicate types

  • amount

  • penalize_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The SocialToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a social media identifier and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • mentioned_in

  • uses

  • communicated_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The SocialToTimestamp relationship represents a relationship between a social media identifier and a timestamp.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The SocialToWeapon relationship represents a relationship between a social media identifier and a weapon.

Predicate types

  • sells_

  • acquires_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Contact_BlockToEmail relationship represents a relationship between a contact block and an email address.

Predicate types

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Political_AffiliationToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a political affiliation and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • belongs_to

  • works_with

  • compensated_

  • negotiated_with

  • participated_in

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Political_AffiliationToScore relationship represents a relationship between a political affiliation and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Political_AffiliationToURL relationship represents a relationship between a political affiliation and a URL.

Predicate types

  • maintains

  • belongs_to

  • owns

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Political_AffiliationToPercent relationship represents a relationship between a political affiliation and a percentage.

Predicate types

  • gain_

  • acquires_

  • decrease_to

  • received

  • has

  • announce

  • [[customer_specific]]


The Political_AffiliationToMoney relationship represents a relationship between a political affiliation and money.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • compensated_

  • access_to

  • received

  • uses

  • has

  • affected_by

  • amplify

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The GeneToGene relationship represents a relationship between one gene entity and another.

Predicate types

  • transform

  • like

  • made_

  • create

  • uses

  • convert

  • targets

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The GeneToMedical_Procedure relationship represents a relationship between a gene and a medical procedure.

Predicate types

  • transform

  • made_

  • create

  • uses

  • convert

  • targets

  • [[customer_specific]]


The GeneToDNA relationship represents a relationship between a gene and DNA.

Predicate types

  • transform

  • made_

  • create

  • has

  • convert

  • targets

  • [[customer_specific]]


The CitationToIdeology relationship represents a relationship between a citation and an ideology.

Predicate types

  • mentioned_in

  • referenced

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TransitToScore relationship represents a relationship between a transit entity and a score.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TransitToMoney relationship represents a relationship between a transit entity and money.

Predicate types

  • amount

  • acquires_

  • gain_

  • lost

  • price_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The TransitToMeasure relationship represents a relationship between a transit entity and a measure.

Predicate types

  • [[customer_specific]]


The AwardToAward relationship represents a relationship between one award and another.

Predicate types

  • acquires_

  • awarded_

  • received

  • has

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ImplementToGeocoordinate relationship represents a relationship between an implement and a geocoordinate.

Predicate types

  • discover

  • move_from

  • move_to

  • lost

  • damaged

  • made_

  • location_of

  • sends_

  • received

  • appears_

  • [[customer_specific]]


The BiometricToGeneric relationship represents a relationship between a biometric entity and a generic entity.

Predicate types

  • linked_to

  • [[customer_specific]]


The ControlToNon_Salient_Web_Content relationship represents a relationship between a control entity and a non-salient web content entity.

Predicate types

  • takes_action

  • [[customer_specific]]