The EVENT entity type represents specifically named social, professional, or religious gatherings; and major world events of a specific date. EVENT also includes generic references to non-specific events such as "the bowling tournament", "the last war", or "the attack".

An event such as "the 23rd annual Wing Bowl" is extracted as "Wing Bowl" (without the numeral), while an event such as "the 39th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference" is extracted as "39th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference" (including the numeral), since the temporal term "annual" is capitalized and part of the title.


  • norm

  • subtype

    • generic

    • named

    • weather

  • start_date

  • end_date

  • lat (latitude in decimal degrees)

  • lon (longitude in decimal degrees)

  • coordinate

  • location

  • weapon_used

  • defendant_name

  • participating_individual

  • holder_name

  • plaintiff_name

  • subject_name

  • arrest_summons_reference

  • suit_cause

  • event_description

  • event_title

  • grid_reference

  • mgrs_coordinate

  • utm_coordinate

  • datum_code

  • ups_coordinate

  • bng_coordinate

  • dms_coordinate

  • decimal_degree

  • easting

  • northing

  • hemisphere

  • utm_zone

  • information_grade

  • keyword

  • keyword_type

  • source_description

  • source_grade

  • duration

  • timestamp

  • event_date

  • abstract_flag

  • abstract_binary

  • idnum

  • casualties

  • demographics

  • desired_effect

  • type

  • target_details

  • [[customer_specific]]