The PERSON entity type represents named people. This entity type does not include nominal references to people, such as "terrorist", "the judge", or "the president".


  • norm

  • gender

  • given_name

  • second_given_name

  • sur_name

  • second_name

  • nick_name

  • full_name

  • cause_of_death

  • date_of_birth

  • date_of_death

  • hair_color

  • hair_type

  • eye_color

  • height

  • weight

  • occupation

  • second_occupation

  • other_alias

  • government_id_number

  • nationality

  • age

  • physical_feature

  • criminal_status

  • race

  • alias

  • face_feature

  • known_injury

  • ideology

  • marital_status

  • blood_type

  • idnum

  • mother_name

  • father_name

  • children

  • number_of_children

  • allegiance

  • language_spoken

  • military_experience

  • tribe_subtribe

  • known_associate

  • attorney_name

  • relationship

  • place_of_birth

  • email_address

  • phone_number

  • social_id

  • address

  • grid_reference

  • mgrs_coordinate

  • utm_coordinate

  • datum_code

  • ups_coordinate

  • bng_coordinate

  • dms_coordinate

  • decimal_degree

  • easting

  • northing

  • hemisphere

  • utm_zone

  • body_build

  • information_grade

  • keyword

  • keyword_type

  • mo_identifier

  • pncid_number

  • cro_id_number

  • national_insurance_number

  • passport_number

  • ssn_number

  • suffix

  • title

  • work_number

  • home_number

  • cell_number

  • fax_number

  • pager_number

  • prev_address

  • secured_party_name

  • source_description

  • source_grade

  • monetary_amount

  • salary

  • assets

  • liabilities

  • timestamp

  • time_of_death

  • weapon_used

  • abstract_flag

  • abstract_binary

  • works_for

  • account

  • kia

  • wia

  • abd

  • det

  • education_level

  • drivers_license

  • former_occupation

  • influenced_by

  • language_proficiency

  • license_plate_num

  • operational_status

  • password

  • political_affiliation

  • target_details

  • affiliation

  • convention

    • western

    • asian

    • latin

    • iberian_es

    • iberian_pt

    • hungarian

    • slavic

    • arabic

    • brazilian

    • tribal

    • mixed

  • subtype

    • author

    • elected_official

  • [[customer_specific]]