The IDNUM entity type represents identification numbers such as social security numbers, account numbers, serial numbers, SIM numbers, ICCIDs, IBANs, and ISBNs.


  • norm

  • country

  • state

  • company

  • legal_code

  • suspicious

  • type

  • id_user

  • id_issuer

  • currency_type

  • source_description

  • source_grade

  • timestamp

  • abstract_flag

  • abstract_binary

  • org_name

  • person_name

  • security_designation

  • class_level

  • subtype

    • accession

    • account

    • cve

    • document

    • hash

    • iban

    • isbn

    • issn

    • mac

    • serial

    • sim

    • social

    • ssn

    • swift

    • telecode

    • vin

  • subset (law_enforcement_ids)

    • felony

    • misdemeanor

    • violent

    • nonviolent

  • [[customer_specific]]