The ORG entity type represents organization names. This entity type does not include nominal references to organizations, such as "terrorists", "the police", or "the government".

Organization names that are immediately adjacent to a PLACE include the PLACE name as part of the ORG, unless separated by a preposition. For example, "University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign" includes "Urbana-Champaign" as part of the ORG, but "Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois" does not include "Peoria, Illinois" as part of the ORG.

Some exceptions to the above rule are "Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula", "Al Qaida in Yemen", and so on.


  • norm

  • country

  • lat (latitude in decimal degrees)

  • lon (longitude in decimal degrees)

  • subtype & subset

    • academic

    • commercial

    • criminal

    • education

    • financial

      • central_bank

      • commercial_bank

      • development_bank

      • investment_bank

    • government

      • executive

      • intelligence

      • judicial

      • legislative

    • inter_department

    • law_enforcement

    • medical

    • military

    • political_party

    • ngo

    • political

    • publisher

    • social

    • tribal

    • weapon_manufacturer

  • additional_information

  • affiliation

  • date_established

  • date_closure

  • alternative_name

  • idnum

  • registered_name

  • related_company_registration_number

  • related_organization_name

  • attorney_name

  • chapter

  • chapter_number

  • classification_description

  • classification_title

  • company_size

  • cntry_code

  • email_address

  • phone_number

  • social_id

  • address

  • grid_reference

  • mgrs_coordinate

  • utm_coordinate

  • datum_code

  • ups_coordinate

  • bng_coordinate

  • dms_coordinate

  • decimal_degree

  • easting

  • northing

  • hemisphere

  • utm_zone

  • information_grade

  • keyword

  • keyword_type

  • line_of_business

  • owner

  • fax_number

  • po_box

  • prev_address

  • currency_type

  • secured_party_name

  • source_description

  • source_grade

  • state_county_level

  • web_address

  • credit_limit

  • monetary_amount

  • assets

  • liabilities

  • number_employees

  • timestamp

  • abstract_flag

  • abstract_binary

  • critical_industry

  • demographics

  • influenced_by

  • operational_status

  • order_of_battle

  • specialty_equipment

  • target_details

  • [[customer_specific]]