Changing the table tree view display

The 'tree view' lists items that are available in the connected database. You can choose what tables and fields to display in the database list on the left side of the Database Page using the following options:

  • Select Unused or All in the List area.
    • Unused displays only those tables that are not yet shown on the panel on the right side of the page.
    • All displays all of the tables regardless of whether they are shown on the panel on the right side of the page.
  • Filter which tables, field names or owners are shown using the Match names filter. Turn on Match names and type a complete name or use an asterisk (*) and/or question mark (?) to indicate any letters.

    * indicates zero, one or more letters

    ? indicates exactly one letter

    Choose whether to filter on table names, field names or owner.

    To see the results of the filter, press the Enter key or the Tab key.

  • To decide whether to show tables, views, system tables and so on, right-click on the tree view background or database name and select Table Types.

    Turn on the check boxes beside the items you wish to display in the tree view. The tables listed depend on the available tables specified in the configuration's Properties dialog.

    Note: Whenever a table is referred to in the rest of the documentation, this should be taken to mean table, view, synonym and so on. The available types depend on the type of database.
  • Display the fields for the tables by clicking on the small plus sign (+) in a similar way to using Windows Explorer or double-click on the table name.
  • To display field types, right-click anywhere in the tree view and select Show Field Data Types.
  • To display the owners of the tables, right-click anywhere in the tree view and select Show Owner. This is only applicable for some types of database.