Viewing item information

In the Selection tab of the Data Sources task pane, there is a View section. Use the commands in the View section, for example, to Show records, edit item properties, open hyperlinks and find matching records.

Command Description
Select Items from Current Database Selects chart items that are from the currently-connected database.
Filter Selection by Query

You can filter the currently selected chart entities or links using either an existing query or a new one that you define specifically for this task. After filtering, only those items within the current selection that match the query conditions will remain selected on the chart.

Click Filter Selection by Query to display the Filter by Query dialog the currently selected chart entities or links using either an existing query or a new one. Either double-click on an existing query to run it, or click New Query and start a new query.

Alternatively, select more than one chart item, and from the shortcut menu, select database > Filter by Query, where database is the name of the iBase database. The Filter by Query dialog is displayed. Either, double-click on an existing query to run it or click New Query and start a new query.

When you click OK or Finish, only the entities that are in both the chart selection and in the results for the query remain selected on the chart. If there is no match, nothing is selected on the chart.

Show Click to display the Show dialog for a selected item, or the Show List dialog for more than one selected items.

Alternatively, Right-click on the iBase entity and from the shortcut menu, select database > Show or select several chart items and select database > Show List, where database is the name of your iBase database.

Links Displays the iBase Links dialog.

Alternatively, right-click on an entity on the chart, and from the shortcut menu, select database > Show, where database is the name of your iBase database. Then click the Links button to display the Links dialog.

Edit Item Properties OR Combined Properties

Click Edit Item Properties to display the Item Properties dialog for the selected item, or Combined Properties to display the Combined Properties dialog for more than one selected item. These are Analyst's Notebook dialogs.

Alternatively, right-click on a chart item, and from the shortcut menu, select Edit Item Properties, or select several chart items, and from the shortcut menu, select Combined Properties.

Open Hyperlinks If the entity type has a hyperlink field, then you can find any other entities or documents to which it is linked by a hyperlink. The hyperlink may be to a document stored on a file server or a Web site.

Alternatively, right-click on one of the selected entities and select database > Hyperlinks, where database is the name of the iBase database.

Matching Records

Finds any entities that have connecting links to two or more entities, or to all entities, on the chart (depending how the charting settings are set).

Alternatively, right-click on one of the selected entities and select database > Matching Records, where database is the name of the iBase database.