Upsizing a Database to SQL Server
You can upsize (convert) an iBase Microsoft™ Access database to SQL Server format. You must have a backup of the original database if you want continued access to the Microsoft Access version of the database.
Before you begin
Before you can upsize a Microsoft Access database, you
- An iBase logon for the original database with at least the Database Administrator role.
- Exclusive access to the database that you are upsizing.
- A backup of the iBase database that you are upsizing, or sufficient space to make a disk copy if you want the upsize process to make a copy for you.
- A printout of the database statistics for the Access database— you might want to compare these with the statistics of the upsized database.
- The identity (network name) of the server on which Microsoft SQL Server is running.
- The login name and password of an SQL Server user that belongs to the dbcreator server role. See the Administration Center document Managing Access Control, for details of SQL Server logins.
- Sufficient disk space and time to complete the operation.
Note: The upgraded databases use twice the disk space of the original iBase
About this task
The upsize process creates an SQL Server database and an .idb file, which contains the connection details.
Make sure that you have a backup of the database that you intend to upsize. If this is an operational database, it is a good idea to restore the backup and make sure that you can read the restored version before you complete the upsize.
You can complete the upsize from any iBase client machine. For large databases, however if
possible, run this iBase Designer session on the server machine to reduce network traffic.
Note: If
you are upsizing any database that is likely to exist already on the server, such as the supplied
example database User Guide.idb, you may need to rename the original database
(.idb) file to a name expected to be unique on the server. For example, you
might rename the database file User Guide.idb to
User GuideAB.idb. After the upsize is completed, rename the database connection
file created by the upsize back to its original name to make sure that any report templates work.
For example, you would rename the connection file User GuideAB.idb back to
User Guide.idb.
What to do next
If you want to use Word Search with the upsized database, you must to rebuild the index.
Note: The
original index (.idx) file is no longer be used by the upsized database.
However, it might be required if you plan to allow continued access to the Microsoft Access version of the database.