Setting up batch import and export tasks

Batch imports and exports are defined as tasks. A task consists of a single batch specification that lists one or more import or export specifications in the order in which they are to run and, optionally, actions to perform before and after the batch import or export.

About this task

The batch specifications and import/export specifications are created in iBase.

The only restriction is that the import specifications cannot contain any prompts for user input. You will not be able to select an import batch specification that contains such an import specification. You should not modify an import specification that is used by iBase Scheduler so that it requires input; if you do so, the Scheduler service will not run the associated task.

You must set up a connection to the database before you can add any tasks. Once you have added a task, you can set up the triggers to schedule when the task runs.
Note: You cannot add tasks to an iBase database that cannot currently be opened by iBase Scheduler. For example, if another user has opened the database in iBase Designer.


  1. Open the iBase Scheduler Configuration and click the Schedules tab to display the Schedules page.
  2. Select the required database connection from the Connections list.
  3. In the tasks area, click New.
  4. Enter a descriptive task name.
    For example, you might include the name of the batch specification in your task name. The maximum length of the task name is 255 characters.
  5. In the Type list, select either:
    • Batch Import
    • Batch Export
  6. Select the batch specification that you want to use.
    Note: The list displays only suitable batch specifications - it does not display any that contain import or export specifications that require input from the user. However, when you browse for a specification, all batch specifications are listed regardless of suitability.
  7. If required, enter the programs or plug-ins that you want to run before or after the batch import or export.
  8. Click OK to save the task.


The task is now set up.

How soon the task runs will depend on how frequently the service runs.

Scheduling a task to run immediately
You can schedule a task to run when the Scheduler service next runs, even if there is no trigger for it:
  1. Select the task that you want to schedule.
  2. Click Run below the list of tasks.
Editing a task
You can change any of the details of the task without affecting any scheduled tasks. The specification name shown may be different if the batch specification has been renamed in iBase.

To edit a task, select the connection, and click Edit below the list of tasks.

Note: Changing the name of the task will change the task name against all entries in the log, including log entries for completed scheduled tasks. If required, you can save the existing log file.

Although the changes to the task are made as soon as you click OK, the changes only affect the Scheduler service when the next task is scheduled. To update the schedules, cancel the current scheduled tasks by making the trigger inactive.

If the batch specification used by a task is deleted, then the list of tasks will display #Not Found next to the name of the task.

Canceling scheduled tasks
To prevent iBase Scheduler from running a scheduled task, and prevent further scheduling, you need to make the trigger inactive. For details, see Setting up triggers.
Deleting a task and its triggers
You can remove a task, and any triggers defined for it, from a database connection by selecting the connection to the database, then selecting the task and clicking Delete below the list of tasks.

If you use the logging option, When tasks are scheduled to run, any scheduled tasks are marked as Trigger deleted in the log description.

Deleting a database connection will also delete all the tasks and triggers set up for it.