Exploring items

When you Explore an item, a Link chart is displayed that shows any links to that item. This information can subsequently be added to the Analyst's Notebook chart.


  1. Select an item on your chart surface that contains iBase records.
    Note: If you select an item that has more than one record you will be prompted to select the record to use.
  2. In the Data sources pane, on the Selection tab, select Explore.
    A link chart will display that contains all the linked records in the database.
  3. Investigate the record to find related items of interest:
    • To filter the displayed items, select the item types to be displayed from the Entity Type and Link Type lists.
    • To explore a linked entity, select the entity in the explore window, this will change the focus of the exploration, expanding the links to the selected entity.
    • To add items to the chart, select them in the explore window and click Add to chart.