Example 1: Accepting the original outcome of the conflict

The audit log records two changes to the same record but made at different sites. To simplify the examples, only relevant details are shown:

Date/time User Action Detail
10:50:19 01Smith Record Modified  
10:50:25 03Malina Record Soft-Deleted  

At this stage, there is no indication that a conflict has occurred. The date and time shows when the records were changed— it does not show which record merged first with the Publisher.

After the conflict is reviewed in the Conflict Viewer, the audit log shows which record won the initial conflict because it merged first with the Publisher (the change made at 10:50:25) and then which one won when the conflict was reviewed in the Conflict Viewer. In this example the initial outcome is unchanged:

Date/time User Action Detail
10:50:19 01Smith Record Modified  
10:50:25 ConfAdmin Conflict Detected

Winner 10:50:25 (03Malina) Loser 10:50:19 (01Smith)

Note: The winner is the record kept by SQL Server and replicated to all sites. The date and time is logged only when the user runs the Conflict Viewer. It is always the later of the two update date/times of the records in conflict (regardless of which record won or lost the conflict).
10:50:25 03Malina Record Soft-Deleted  
10:54:16 ConfAdmin Conflict Resolved

Winner 10:50:25 (03Malina) Loser 10:50:19 (01Smith)

Note: The winner is the record chosen by the user as the one to keep. The user chose the same record as SQL Server so there is no change to the database and no additional log entry.