Creating iBase user accounts

iBase users have specific iBase accounts in addition to their Windows credentials. Users that use iBase user accounts need to provide their details to access iBase.


To add a user who will log on by entering an iBase user name and password:
  1. Select Security > Security Manager > New.
  2. Enter a name up to 255 characters in length.
    Note: For more information, see Unicode support if the name you want to enter contains any Unicode characters.
  3. Select iBase Security.
  4. Enter and then confirm the password. The requirements that the password must meet are determined by the security policy.
    Note: In iBase, users can change their own passwords by selecting Change Password from the File menu. If required, you can remove this permission by defining System Commands Access Control Groups.
  5. Enter the remaining details of the user account:
    Account is active By default, an account is active when created but you can suspend it by turning off the check box to prevent them from logging on.
    User cannot change password When this option is selected, the user will never be prompted to change their password regardless of the security policy and, in fact, will be unable to do so. Use this setting for accounts set up for services such as Scheduler.
    Restricted Audit Log This setting is applicable only if you use Audit Viewer or Audit History. The audit log generated by this user will have restricted access and only authorized users will be able to view it. Authorized users will have the Audit Administrator role.
    Account expires after The account will be accessible up to and including the specified date.
    Reset password at next logon When turned on, it forces the user to change their password when they next log on. The check box is then turned off after the user has done this.
    Password never expires Turn on to create an account that will not be affected by the security policy of this security file. Use this setting for accounts that will be used for services such as Scheduler.
  6. In the Default Category box, enter the name of the default folder in which the user will save their folder objects.
    For more information, see Default Categories for Users
  7. Define the permissions for the user by assigning the user to one or more groups on the Permissions page.
    For more information, see Assigning Users to Groups.
  8. Optional: Enter contact details for the user, such as their email address, on the Information page.
    For more information, see Contact Details for Users. This topic also describes how this information can be used in iBase.
  9. Click OK to create the new user.