Creating an iBase logon account

Users in iBase can either be managed exclusively in iBase Designer or by connecting to a Windows Active Directory instance to allow single sign-on. If you would like to manage all user information using iBase Designer, you can set up all the information directly.


To add a new user who will log on by entering an iBase user name and password:
  1. Select Security > Security Manager.
  2. Click the Users tab to display the Users page.
  3. Either:
    • Click New.
    • Select an existing user and click Edit.
  4. Enter a Name.
    Important: Do not enter any foreign characters unless your database supports these. For details, see Viewing the Properties of the Security File.
  5. Select iBase Security and in the Password box, enter a password that conforms to the security policy for your organization.
  6. Enter the details of the account:
    Details Notes
    Account is active
    By default, an account is active when created but you can disable it by turning off the checkbox in order to prevent them from logging on.
    Note: All the details of the account, including their permissions, are retained.
    User cannot change password Turn on this checkbox if you want to prevent the user from changing the password that you give them. For example, use this option when creating accounts for use with iBase Scheduler.
    Restricted audit log This setting is applicable only if you use Audit History and Audit Viewer. It is used to restrict other users from viewing the audit logs of the user you are creating.
    Account expires after Turn on this checkbox if you want to add an account that becomes inactive after the specified date.
    Reset password at next logon Turn on this checkbox to force the user to change their password when they next log on.
    Password never expires Turn on this checkbox to create an account with a password that never expires even though your security policy may specify a standard duration for passwords. For example, use this option when creating accounts for use with iBase Scheduler.
  7. In the Default Category box, enter the name of the category in which all folder objects will be saved by default for this user. Leave this box blank to use the General folder.
  8. Click the Permissions tab to display the Permissions page.
  9. Assign permissions to this user. You can do one of the following:
    1. Click Copy Permissions and then select an active user with the required permissions.
    2. In the list of groups, turn on the checkbox for each of the required groups. To display just the groups of which the user is not a member, turn on the Show Unselected Items Only checkbox.
      You can also:
      • Add the user to all the groups by clicking Select All.
      • Remove the user from all the groups by clicking Clear All.
  10. Click Show User Permissions if you want to inspect the user's permissions after turning on one or more database management groups.
    For information on these permissions, see Checking user permissions. After inspection, click Close to return to the User dialog.
  11. Click the Information tab to display the Information page where you can add user contact details. See Adding user information for details.
    Note: Users cannot edit user information in iBase where the iBase user account represents a Windows user group.
  12. Click OK to save the details of the new user.
    Note: If you failed to enter the same password in both boxes, iBase Designer asks you to enter the password again.
  13. In iBase, users can change their own passwords by selecting File > Change Password.