Page setup (General tab)

The General page of the Report.

Option Description
Title Click the Title box and enter, or edit, the text for the title. Click Font to select a different font for the title.
Header, Footer

Click the Header or Footer box and enter, or edit, the text for the header or footer. In the Header area, click Font to select a different font for both the header and the footer.

By outputting the report to Microsoft Word, you can define separate Header and Footer styles.

Footer Logo

Turn on Footer Logo if you want a graphic to print in the left end of each footer. Browse to the graphics file or enter the path.

Note: Graphics that do not have a 4:6 aspect ratio are stretched to fit a rectangle. To avoid this, edit the logo by adding a background of the correct size.
Truncate long text fields to You can limit the values to a specific number of characters (in multiples of one hundred) by turning this on.
Default font Displays a preview of the font for the main body of the report. To change this, click Font and select a font. When you output the report to Word, this font becomes the font for the Normal style.
Orientation Set the page orientation by clicking Portrait or Landscape.
Page break after each entity record Turn on if you want to start a new page for each section for the main entity.
Indent Links To help the link records to stand out better, turn on Indent Links.
Default Microsoft Word template

Turn on Default Microsoft Word template and select a document (*.doc) for use as a template when outputting the report.

Only documents in the same folder as the database file, with a name starting with the database name are available. For example, if the status bar shows the open database as being C:\Databases\Vehicles\Vehicles.idb, then you could use C:\Databases\Vehicles\Vehicles Template 1.doc as a template.

Turn on Auto-size List Tables (Microsoft Word) to allow the width of the List table in the report to be automatically adjusted based on its contents, rather than use the table width set in the template.