Structured searching

You can use Visual Query to search for records in the Information Store based on the values of specific properties, and on their relationships to other records. The records that you find depend on the structure of the queries that you create and run.

All Visual Queries have two parts:
  • The query structure, which indicates the types and relationships of the records that you're interested in.
  • The query conditions, which, for each item in the structure, specify some of the values in the records that you want to find.

In Analyst's Notebook, access to Visual Query functionality is through the button in the Information Store group on the Home tab. The Information Store Visual Query window contains a list of all the queries that you've created and saved before, as well as any queries that colleagues have shared with you.

You can open, customize, run, and duplicate any query in the list. If you created a query - including by duplication - you can also save or delete it. For shared queries, those last two actions might be limited by the permissions that your system administrator and the query's owner have granted you.

If your system administrator has granted you administrative permissions, the list contains all the queries that all the users of your deployment have saved, regardless of any other permissions.

If you have permission to share the Visual Queries and other artifacts that you create, you can also control who your queries are shared with through the Information Store Visual Query window.