Sharing records

You can share records with other analysts in your organization who use the same i2 Analyze server. Records can also be shared between Analyst's Notebook and i2 Notebook users.

About this task

You can select records from the chart to share with other users who are connected to the same i2 Analyze server. The data is packaged and shared using a URL with a time-sensitive unique ID. Shared records must be from your current i2 Analyze deployment. You cannot share records from a different i2 Analyze deployment or from non-i2 Analyze sources such as i2 iBase.

Records are shared for 7 days by default. If you want to change the number of days that records are shred for, ask your system administrator to change the value of the "chartlet lifespan" option.

The ability to share and view records also depends on your permissions. If you are unable to see or use Share Records, contact your system administrator to request a change to your sharing permissions.


  • To share records:
    1. Select a record, or records from the chart.
    2. Click Share Records on the Publish tab of the ribbon, or right-click a selected record to open the context menu and click Share records with others. If you exceed the number of records that can be shared, you are prompted to select fewer records.
      Analyst's Notebook prepares the record (or records) for sharing and displays a dialog containing a URL, an option to copy to the clipboard, and an expiry time for the link. From this dialog it is also possible to view your sharing activity if you click See all active links.
    3. Copy the URL. If you close the dialog without copying, the URL cannot be retrieved but you can create a new one. Also if you open See all active links, it is possible to locate and copy the URL from the list in the browser.
    4. Send the URL to the intended recipient(s).
  • To receive shared records:
    1. Click the shared records URL and from the browser choose to 'Open in Desktop app'.
      The Shared Records results list opens in Analyst's Notebook Premium. The list is docked by default.
    2. Select records and copy them to the chart in the usual way.
      In the default docked state, the Shared Records results stay open and available to copy. Do not close the Shared Records dialog until you have copied the records you want, as it cannot be reopened. If you undock the results list, the window automatically closes when you copy the records to the chart. Records are not available to copy after the URL expires.