Items and records

When Analyst's Notebook is connected to an Information Store, the items that you add to a chart can contain i2 Analyze records. From the application's point of view, each record holds of a set of information about the item that contains it. The appearance of the item depends on the information in the records that it contains.

An i2 Analyze record can contain properties with values; details about its history and settings; and notes that you or other contributors have added to provide extra information.

Properties are the primary mechanism for storing information in a record. Each property contains a piece of data about an entity or link record of a particular type. For example, a 'Person' entity record might have property types such as 'Given Name', 'Date of Birth', and 'Passport Number'. Adding information to property values allows that information to be categorized and analyzed in different ways. Some property values affect the appearance of the item that contains them, such as when they are used as the label.
Notes allow you to add information to a record that is not dependent on its type. You can add a note to a record to provide information that is not included in any of the properties. Furthermore, you can add notes to records that were loaded into the Information Store from external sources without affecting the original information.
In addition to the property values, records contain information about who has permission to view them, who created or modified them in the past, and where they came from. These details might enable you to talk to the person who created a record, or to determine who else has access to it.
Your organization controls your access to records in the Information Store. Based on your access level, you might not be able to access restricted records, or perform specific tasks such as uploading records, deleting records, and accessing notes.

Records in chart items

The chart always has all the data for all the records in all the items that it contains. You can work with the records on the chart even when you are not connected to the Information Store:
  • When you search for and retrieve information from the Information Store to Analyst's Notebook, the application creates chart items that contain copies of the Information Store records.
  • If you create an item that contains an i2 Analyze record (through the Information Store palette), the application stores the new record in the chart until you can upload it to the store.

Analyst's Notebook treats items that contain i2 Analyze records differently from standard Analyst's Notebook items. For example, item properties such as the label are derived from property values in the record, and so some of the Analyst's Notebook options for editing these items are disabled.

Even when you are connected to an Information Store, charts can also contain items that do not use the Information Store schema. When you create these items, the properties that they contain are based on types that are defined in an Analyst's Notebook chart template. You cannot upload records to the Information Store from items that do not contain i2 Analyze records.
Other chart items might originate from another data source such as iBase and contain data records.