Changing the displayed information

The information from records that is displayed on a chart item is controlled by the charting scheme. When you are working with items that contain i2 Analyze records, you can control the appearance of the items by changing the charting scheme.

About this task

As part of the deployment of i2 Analyze, charting schemes are created that determine how the information stored in i2 Analyze records relate to item properties and attributes on the chart. Depending on the charting schemes that have been included, you can select different ways to display the information in your chart. You might want to change the display in the following situations:
  • The chart is intended for multiple audiences who require different amounts of detail to be displayed.
  • Charted items might need to show each link separately, or all links between two entities as one link, depending on the type of analysis you want to do. For example, if you change the chart from an association chart to a timeline chart, you might want to choose a different connection style.


In the bar below the ribbon, select the required charting scheme from the Charting scheme list.
If the type of display that you require is not available in the list, you can request changes to a charting scheme, or new charting schemes, by contacting your administrator.