Deriving custom semantic types

If the i2 Semantic Type Library does not contain a semantic type that describes an entity, link, or property type in your schema, Schema Designer offers the ability to create one that does. You can derive a custom semantic type from an appropriate parent semantic type.

About this task

Caution: Defining a custom semantic type when the library already contains an appropriate semantic type can cause problems for data analysis. Search carefully for an available semantic type before you create your own.

When you create a custom semantic type, it's important to choose an appropriate parent type. Analyst's Notebook and other i2 applications rely on parent semantic types to perform generalized analysis correctly.


To derive a custom semantic type:

  1. In the Select Semantic Type window, use the Find field to locate an existing semantic type that's similar to the one you require. The search uses the names, synonyms, and descriptions of the types in the library.

  2. Select the type that you want to be the parent of your new type, and then click Derive Custom Type. A new semantic type is added as a child of the selected type.

    Note: Custom semantic types have a red icon that differentiates them from the standard types in the i2 Semantic Type Library.

  3. Change the name of the custom semantic type to one that reflects your intended use.

  4. To improve results when search for this semantic type in the future, add synonyms for it in the Synonyms field. Separate each synonym with a comma. Phrases are allowed.

  5. Describe your intended use for the custom semantic type in the Description box. Optionally, you can include the URL of a web page that provides more information.

  6. Click Assign to complete the definition of the custom semantic type and assign it to the entity, link, or property type that you started from.


As well as being assigned to the entity, link, or property type, the new custom semantic type is added to the semantic template library in the schema. Optionally, you can use the commands under File > Custom Semantic Types to save the library and then merge it into another schema, bringing your custom semantic types with it.