Adding, removing, modifying gateway schemas

A single deployment of i2 Analyze that includes the i2 Connect gateway can contain several gateway schemas. When you add or remove gateway schemas, you must edit the file. It is likely that you must edit some of the other configuration files and settings too.

About this task

When several connectors query the same data source, it can make sense for them to share a gateway schema instead of defining schemas of their own. If you buy or develop more than one set of such connectors, then it is possible for your deployment of i2 Analyze to use several gateway schemas. The section of the settings file then looks like this:


For each gateway schema that you add to a deployment, you must add two entries to this list with a new name in place of <SourceOne> or <SourceTwo>. If you remove a gateway schema, make sure to remove both entries that were associated with that schema.

If you follow this procedure in a deployment that provides high availability, you must complete each step and run each command on every Liberty server in your environment before you move to the next step or command.


After you add or remove the settings for a particular gateway schema from, check other aspects of your system configuration.

  1. Before you reload the i2 Analyze server to reflect your changes, make sure that the results configuration file matches your new set of gateway schemas.

    1. Open the file indicated by the ResultsConfigurationResource property in and follow the instructions in Setting up search results filtering to remove references to item types from removed gateway schemas.

    2. Add or edit elements in the file to enable result filtering on item and property types in any new gateway schemas.

  2. Use the i2 Analyze server admin console to reload the server and update its information about the gateway schemas.

  3. Follow the instructions in Configuring matching to make any changes to the system or Find Matching Records match rules files that are required as a result of your changes to the configured schemas.

  4. If your deployment uses them, update the set of type conversion mappings.

    1. Open a web browser and navigate to the i2 Analyze server admin console.

    2. In the i2 Analyze type conversion app, add, edit, or remove type conversion mappings to reflect the new set of gateway schemas.

    3. Export the modified conversion mappings. Copy the resulting mapping-configuration.json file to the deployment toolkit's configuration\fragments\common\WEB-INF\classes directory.

    4. Redeploy Liberty to update the type conversion mappings on the server.


On completion of the above steps, your i2 Analyze deployment is fully updated in response to the changes that you introduced by adding, removing, or modifying a gateway schema.