Configuring geospatial mapping

Analyst's Notebook supports several different mechanisms for mapping chart items, but only one that supports geographic data that is stored in i2 Analyze records. You must define the maps and geographic reference systems to use before the mapping features that can be used with i2 Analyze records can be enabled.

When records contain geographic information, Analysts can view their location on supplied maps. In addition, Analysts can use visual queries to search for information in specific locations.

The mapping configuration file contains the following main types of information:

Mapping tiles

The mapping configuration file contains information that identifies the map tiles that are available to Analysts. The following details are needed for each map:

  • A displayName for the mapping tile to display to the Analyst.

  • The URL that hosts the mapping tile.

  • Any information about the origins of the mapping tile, such as the source and any copyright details.

Base Maps

Base maps form the background on which other GIS items are overlaid. Depending on the type of investigation, and the location, different types of base map might be suitable. For example, you might want to use graphical representations or satellite imagery. In addition to the details that are needed for all mapping tiles, you can specify which base map is opened by default.


Layers that sit over the base map and contain detailed information that might be relevant to specific types of investigation. For example, cell tower locations, buildings of interest, borders, or road systems. By adding such information to layers that are overlaid over a base map, you can select the relevant information without displaying information that isn't needed. Unlike base maps, as different overlays can contain different information, multiple overlay tiles can be added to the mapping view. As overlay-mapping tiles are added over other maps, you can set the opacity level to see information on lower mapping tiles.

Coordinate Systems

The 2D coordinate reference systems that can be used to translate coordinates to map locations. The following details are needed for each coordinate system:

  • A displayName for the coordinate system to display to the Analyst.

  • The projection string that defines the coordinate system. This string must be a valid PROJ4 coordinate reference system string.

  • The type of editor to use to input the values.

In addition, you can define the bounds to use with the coordinates to constrain the area being mapped.