Defining the mapping solution

In a deployment of i2® Analyze, you can define the mapping tiles that can be accessed, and the coordinate systems that are used to plot locations on them. By default, analysts can select from a list of publicly available maps and common coordinate systems.

About this task

Analysts can access mapping features to help investigate geographic information. You might need to update the mapping tiles that are provided, or the coordinate reference systems that are used to calculate locations.


  1. Modify the geospatial-configuration.json file:

    1. In your JSON editor, open the toolkit\configuration\live\geospatial-configuration.json file.

    2. Using the reference and example information, modify the file to define the mapping tiles and coordinate reference systems your analysts can use.

  2. Update the deployment with your changes.

    The following method deploys your changes without stopping the server by using a POST request to a REST endpoint.

    Note: To redeploy your changes by using the deployment toolkit only, see Redeploying Liberty. You must deploy your changes by using the deployment toolkit if you are in a deployment with high availability or you are deploying in your production environment.

    1. Update the configuration on the server:

      setup -t updateLiveConfiguration
    2. Update the running application by using the reload endpoint:

      curl -i --cookie-jar cookie.txt -d j_username=user_name -d j_password=<password> http://<host_name>/<context_root>/j_security_check
      curl -i --cookie cookie.txt -X POST http://<host_name>/<context_root>/api/v1/admin/config/reload

      Note: To reload the server by using the reload endpoint, ensure that you can use the admin endpoints. For more information about using the admin endpoints, see Using the admin endpoints.

      Warning: The reload method updates the configuration without requiring a server restart, but any logged-in users are logged out from i2 Analyze when you run it.


Your configuration is validated, and any errors are reported in the REST response and in the wlp\usr\servers\opal-server\logs\<deployed_war>\i2_Update_Live_Configuration.log.

Where <deployed_war> can be:

  • opal-services-is

  • opal-services-daod

  • opal-services-is-daod

What to do next

Depending on the type of spatial data that you are ingesting into your Information Store, to increase the performance of Visual Query operations, you might need to set up spatial database indexes on IS_DATA tables that contain geographical data. For more information on creating indexes manually in the Information Store, see Creating indexes in the Information Store database. In addition, for database-specific information about the use of spatial indexes: