Modifying a deployed Chart Store schema

A deployment of i2 Analyze that includes the Chart Store (with or without the i2 Connect gateway) supports a limited set of changes to the supplied example schema. By adding property types to the "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type, you can enhance users' ability to categorize and retrieve the charts that they store.

About this task

The example Chart Store schema in the deployment toolkit contains a single "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type. That entity type contains two property types that represent the name and description of any chart that is stored in the Chart Store. In a live deployment, i2 Analyze permits additive changes to the Chart Store schema. By adding property types to the "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type, you can enable users to search for charts more effectively, and to filter search results by the values of the new properties.

Note: In a deployment of i2 Analyze that includes the Information Store, the schema includes the Chart Store's "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type alongside all the Information Store item types. The instructions here apply to modifications to that entity type in Chart Store and Information Store schemas.

If you follow this procedure in a deployment that provides high availability, you must complete each step and run each command on every Liberty server in your environment before you move to the next step or command.


The following steps describe how to add property types to the schema in a deployment of i2 Analyze that includes the Chart Store.

  1. Locate the XML file that contains the Chart Store schema for the i2 Analyze deployment, and load it into Schema Designer.

  2. Make your additions to the "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type, and then save the file.

    Note: Schema Designer does not validate whether your changes are compatible with the deployed schema. Validation takes place when you apply the changes to your deployment.

  3. Run the following commands on the Liberty server to update the database and application to conform to the updated schema.

    setup -t stopLiberty
    setup -t updateSchema
    setup -t deployLiberty
    setup -t startLiberty

    The command recognizes that you modified the schema, determines whether the changes are valid for the running Chart Store, and then applies them. If the changes are not valid, the command displays messages to explain the problems.

What to do next

By default, deployments of i2 Analyze that include the Chart Store do not specify a results configuration file. Any property types that you add are automatically available as filters for search results. However, if you add a property type that you do not intend to use for filtering, or if you have modified the "Analyst's Notebook Chart" entity type in an Information Store schema, you must set up search results filtering to include or exclude the new property types as required.

When you complete the procedure, reconnect to i2 Analyze from Analyst's Notebook to confirm that the changes are present and behaving correctly.