Summary of the database properties
The properties of the database provide detailed information about the database.
At any time you can view the properties of the database in iBase Designer, by selecting File > Database Properties.
- Title
The title for the database, as displayed in the application title bar.
- Description
The description of the database, as displayed when any user first opens the database.
- File
The location of the database (.idb) file.
- Version
The database version number.
- Audit Level
The detail level at which the audit log collects data on changes to the database and security file. You can change the audit level: level 1 means that the audit log collects the lowest amount of detail and level 5 collects the highest amount of detail (SQL Server databases only). Level 4 and higher collect large amounts of data about user activities so you should use these levels with care, and monitor the size of the log file.
- Audit History
In SQL Server databases only, all updates to data, including code lists, are logged and can be viewed either in Audit Viewer or in the iBase History. In a database that is set to audit level 5, records that are viewed but not updated are also logged.
Database Logo
You can replace the default database logo with an alternative image. Click Select... to browse the available supported file types in your Windows Pictures folder. Select an image no larger than 0.5MB and click OK. To remove the image from the database, click Clear and Yes to confirm. Your image is replaced with the default iBase icon.
The configuration page shows details of the database file and format, and the security mode. You can change the authentication mode when connecting to the SQL Server instance on this page or by using the Database Configuration tool (see Managing SQL Server Connection Settings).
- Database Type
The file format of the database, either Microsoft Access or SQL Server.
- Database Name
The name of the SQL Server database on the server. See SQL Server Database Names.
- Server
The name of the database server. You can change to a different server provided that the database exists on that server. Enter a name in the field to use a known server. Only select the (local) option if the database is for personal use.
- Login Name, Password
An SQL Server login name and password is displayed if SQL Server authentication is used to secure access to the SQL Server instance. See Authenticating Connections to SQL Server for details.
- Use Windows Authentication
The Use Windows Authentication checkbox is turned on if Windows authentication (integrated security) is used to secure access to the SQL Server. Each user that attempts to connect to use the iBase database is validated by the server using their network credentials. See Authenticating Connections to SQL Server for details.
The Advanced page displays the current setup of the database, which you can change with caution. See Advanced settings for details.
Database Access Token
Use the Database Access Token page to obtain a copy of the token for the current database. The token is used by some applications, such as the Search 360 Indexer, to connect to SQL Server databases. You can save time by copying the token from this page and pasting it into the application, rather than having to regenerate the token in the Database Configuration tool.
Passwords for Microsoft Access databases
A 20-character password is generated for you when the Microsoft Access database is created. You should keep a record of this password. The password is the same for all the Microsoft Access databases created from the same security file.
If you are using iBase Designer and want to see the password, select Tools > Feature Availability > Options > Advanced. This option is not available in iBase User.