About the example database
An example database called User Guide.idb is installed with the product. This can be used to understand the way that databases can be set up, allowing you to apply these concepts to your database.
To open the User Guide database:
From the Programs group on the Windows Start menu, select i2 iBase > Documentation > iBase User Guide Database. iBase is started and the Logon dialog is displayed.
Enter your user name and password and click OK. Unless your database administrator has made a change and told you about it, these are the standard user IDs for the User Guide database:
User ID
A user with all the permissions required to perform general work.
A full system administrator
A Data Entry User with restricted menu functionality and access to fewer links
An Analytical user with read-only access
Click OK.
When you use the User Guide Database for the first time, the database is automatically copied to your application data area. For example: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\i2\i2 iBase\<language>\ Examples\User Guide Database
This means that you can change the Microsoft Access database and the records as you want. This option is not available if you are using an SQL Server database.
At any point, you can restore the database to an unmodified state:
From the Programs group on the Windows Start menu, select i2 iBase > Documentation > iBase User Guide Database, and click Yes when prompted to reset the database.
Note: Reverting to an unmodified User Guide database will mean that you will lose any changes that you made to the User Guide database. For example, you will delete all entities, links, sets, queries, and other folder objects that you created or modified. Any files created independently, such as export files will remain.
To upsize the User Guide database to SQL Server:
Check that the server does not have an existing database called User Guide. If it does, rename the User Guide.idb file, for example to User Guide 2.idb. You will also need to rename the other files associated with the database (with the suffixes .dot, .doc, .ant and .idx).
Copy the User Guide Database folder to a suitable place. It is located in the following folder (where n is the version number of the product): C:\Program Files\i2 iBase n\Resources\<language>\ Examples\User Guide Database
Start iBase Designer, and then log on to the security file User Guide.ids as user SYSADMIN and cancel the option to open a database or create a new one.
Select Tools > Database Administration > Upsize > Database to SQL Server.
Accept the option to make a backup.
Enter the name of the SQL Server machine and a login and password that has the dbcreator role on the server. Do not use the server name (local) since other clients will not be able to use the database. This server name is intended only for local use on the server computer. If the database name does not appear when you refresh the list, type in the machine name of the server.
Click Finish. The database will be copied to the server using the name of the .idb file and the .idb file will become a connection file for the database.
If you want your users to use Search 360, follow this additional step: in iBase Designer, use the option Search Administration on the Tools > Search menu to build a full index for all fields of all entities and links. An SQL Server administrator will also need to set up the index service for the database.