Ordered layout

The Ordered layout is most useful when you have a chart with a sequence of events. It separates each event from the next horizontally by a distance you specify in the layout setup to read your data much more easily. The distance that you specify takes into account the width of chart item labels but not link labels.

An Ordered layout is useful:
  • When you import a volume of data and must apply an initial layout.
  • For analysis of high volume data, especially of events with date & time.
  • For presentation and printing.

By using an Ordered layout, you can:

  • Apply the layout to the entire chart, limit the layout to selected items, or limit the layout to items that are in a specified date and time range.
  • Set the distance between successive items. You can choose to set the distance between all items or controlling items. For example, by selecting controlling items you can maintain the position of items such as textual annotation or theme line icons.