Statistical views of chart data

You can view data distribution and select and filter your data based on categories and ranges of data. Viewing distribution and filtering helps you to identify, for example, peak activity in your chart.

You can view the distribution of your data in different ways:

Bar charts Useful for viewing the distribution of data across different categories. For example, in a chart that contains transaction data, you might want to look at the distribution of data across different account types.
Histograms Useful for viewing ranges of data. For example, in a chart that contains transaction data, you might choose to look at the distribution of the data according to values of the transactions within specific ranges.
Heat matrices Useful for comparing data distributions across two dimensions. For example, in a chart that contains transaction data, you might want to look at how many transactions fall into each combination of the hour of the day and the day of the week.
The categories or ranges that you focus on can apply to the ends (or entities), links, or both. For example, on a chart that contains bank accounts of different types with transactions between them, available bar charts might include:
  • Ends - Account Type
  • Links - Transaction date and time
  • Both - Label text

You can then apply filters to focus on one or more categories or ranges of your data to gain a better understanding of specific parts of your data.